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Q: What made Hubble think the universe was expanding?
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What are 2 discoveries that Edwin Hubble made which changed astronomy?

Edwin Hubble demonstrated that The Milky Way (our galaxy) is not the only galaxy that exists, but that there are many more galaxies in the universe. Also, he examined the wavelength of light coming from various galaxies, and determined that the further away it was, the greater the shift of wavelength into the red end of the spectrum. This is called 'Hubble's Law' and meant that the whole universe was expanding and not just that objects were moving within it.

Did Edwin Hubble ever invent anything else than the Hubble telescope?

Edwin Hubble did not invent the Hubble Space telescope (HST).Edwin Hubble had been dead for forth years before HST was operational.HST is named after him. He was an astronomer.(See related links.)If anything can be said to be invented by Hubble, it is to be found in a few ideas that came out of a few discoveries he made such as the existence of the Universe.Only at the turn of the century with the construction of gigantic telescopes of almost a meter in diameter was it possible to distinguish the blobs known as nebulae as being outside of our galaxy. In the 1920s Hubble's observations confirmed the existence of other galaxies in the universe outside of our own galaxy, an idea that existed, but was controversial and lacked evidence earlier. (Earlier, the universe was thought to be infinite, but mostly empty except for our own little neighborhood of a few billion stars in the Milky Way. As always, we were the center of the Universe.)In the next years, Hubble expanded this with data from others to quantify the observation that the Universe was expanding. (Now called Hubble's Law.) This led, of course, to the first data supporting the Big Bang theory suggested in by Georges Lemaître in 1927.

What Are What are facts about Edwin Hubble?

Edwin Powell Hubble discovered that our galaxy was not the extent of the universe. Hubble was also the one to first realize that the universe is expanding. The Hubble Space Telescope was named in his honor.

How do we know that the Universe is expanding?

The main evidence is the redshift of distant galaxies; the only sensible explanation is a cosmological redshift, related to an expanding Universe. Other pieces of evidence are the microwave background radiation, which agrees very well with the predictions made by the Big Bang theory, and Olber's paradox - among others.

What did most ealy astronomers think made up the universe?

Our Solarsystem

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Who was the astronomer that discovered the universe was expanding?

Edwin HubbleAnswer2:Hubble did not believe the universe is expanding. The universe is not expanding like the big bang, it is excited like an atom. The electrons jump to a higher level and lower their speed. The lower speed is a lower energy state, the max energy is when v=c.Hubble;s relationship v=HD indicates the distance D from the max energy state, where v = c.Hubble's Constant is dR/Rdt =c/R =H = 300M/150TT = 2E-18 m/s x31E21 = 62km/s/Megaparsec.

Why was the space telescope named Hubble?

It was named after the famous scientist Edwin P. Hubble (1889-1953) because he was the one who made the discovery that our universe was expanding. The space telescope designed to replace Hubble around 2018 is named for the late NASA administrator James Webb (1906-1992).

How first observed that the universe is expanding?

To be completely honest, we can't be certain that the universe IS expanding. Edwin Hubble observed that distant galaxies in every different direction all display a "red shift" of the light waves, indicating that they are moving away from us - and the farther away they are, the faster they appear to be going. Hubble's explanation that this could be caused if the entire universe is expanding like a balloon fits the observed evidence - but it isn't proof. However, it is widely accepted by most astronomers that this is the proper explanation. Discoveries made in the future will serve to either confirm this, or to cast doubt on Hubble's understanding.

What are 2 discoveries that Edwin Hubble made which changed astronomy?

Edwin Hubble demonstrated that The Milky Way (our galaxy) is not the only galaxy that exists, but that there are many more galaxies in the universe. Also, he examined the wavelength of light coming from various galaxies, and determined that the further away it was, the greater the shift of wavelength into the red end of the spectrum. This is called 'Hubble's Law' and meant that the whole universe was expanding and not just that objects were moving within it.

When was the big bang discovered?

I am not quite sure.Some websites say 1927-1930and some websites say 1889-1992so confused??????????Monsignor Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître, He was the first person to propose the theory of the expansion of the universe , widely miss-attributed to Edwin Hubble. He was also the first to derive what is now known as the Hubble's Law and made the first estimation of what is now called the Hubble Constant which he published in 1927, two years before Hubble's article on the Expanding Universe.

How do scientists know that universe is expanding?

There are several pieces of evidence. One important piece of evidence is the redshift of distant galaxies. That is, the change in the color of the light that reaches us indicates that far-away galaxies are receding (going away) from us.Answer2.The redshift itself is misunderstood and is weak evidence for an expanding universe. Hubble is the authority on the redshift data and Hubble does not support the redshift interpretation of an expanding universe. The universe is not expanding it is in scalar equilibrium and the redshift is evidence of this equilibrium. At the speed of light the universe is also in vector equilibrium, F= ma= 0.See Alan Sandage on Hubble reference in related links..Hubble believed that his count data gave a more reasonable result concerning spatial curvature if the redshift correction was made assuming no recession. To the very end of his writings he maintained this position, favouring (or at the very least keeping open) the model where no true expansionexists, and therefore that the redshift "represents a hitherto unrecognized principle of nature". This viewpoint is emphasized (a) in The Realm of the Nebulae, (b)in his reply (Hubble 1937a) to the criticisms of the 1936 papers by Eddington and by McVittie, and (c)in his 1937 Rhodes Lectures published as The Observational Approach to Cosmology(Hubble 1937b). It also persists in his last published scientific paper which is an account of his Darwin Lecture (Hubble 1953).

Where was the Sun in relation to Universe before Hubble made his discovery?

In the centre of the Milky Way.

Why did Edwin Hubble think of the big bang?

Because of the Red Shift. It's like the Doppler effect. He noticed that the galaxies were moving away from each other. He saw that the light from the galaxies was changing colour more from blue to red the further away they were from us. Actually this made him think of the expanding Universe. The Big Bang idea was developed later.

What was Hubble' s proposal about the universe?

Hubble's " proposal about the universe" is surprising considering his red shift work is claimed to be the basis of the expanding universe. Hubble's work on counting galaxies indicated a closed universe, not expanding. His view of the red shift is that it is a "hither to unrecognized principle of nature".see this excerpt below about Hubble."Hubble concluded that his observed log N(m) distribution showed a large departure from Euclidean geometry, provided that the effect of redshifts on the apparent magnitudes was calculated as if the redshifts were due to a real expansion. A different correction is required if no motion exists, the redshifts then being due to an unknown cause. Hubble believed that his count data gave a more reasonable result concerning spatial curvature if the redshift correction was made assuming no recession. To the very end of his writings he maintained this position, favouring (or at the very least keeping open) the model where no true expansionexists, and therefore that the redshift "represents a hitherto unrecognized principle of nature". This viewpoint is emphasized (a) in The Realm of the Nebulae, (b)in his reply (Hubble 1937a) to the criticisms of the 1936 papers by Eddington and by McVittie, and (c) in his 1937 Rhodes Lectures published as The Observational Approach to Cosmology (Hubble 1937b). It also persists in his last published scientific paper which is an account of his Darwin Lecture (Hubble 1953)."

How was the hubble telescpes made?

How was a hubble made?

Did Edwin Hubble ever invent anything else than the Hubble telescope?

Edwin Hubble did not invent the Hubble Space telescope (HST).Edwin Hubble had been dead for forth years before HST was operational.HST is named after him. He was an astronomer.(See related links.)If anything can be said to be invented by Hubble, it is to be found in a few ideas that came out of a few discoveries he made such as the existence of the Universe.Only at the turn of the century with the construction of gigantic telescopes of almost a meter in diameter was it possible to distinguish the blobs known as nebulae as being outside of our galaxy. In the 1920s Hubble's observations confirmed the existence of other galaxies in the universe outside of our own galaxy, an idea that existed, but was controversial and lacked evidence earlier. (Earlier, the universe was thought to be infinite, but mostly empty except for our own little neighborhood of a few billion stars in the Milky Way. As always, we were the center of the Universe.)In the next years, Hubble expanded this with data from others to quantify the observation that the Universe was expanding. (Now called Hubble's Law.) This led, of course, to the first data supporting the Big Bang theory suggested in by Georges Lemaître in 1927.

When did Edwin Hubble invent the telescope?

Edwin Hubble was an astronomer who worked with Earth-based telescopes, and who died in 1953, before the launch of the first artificial satellite. The Hubble Space Telescope was named in his honor almost 40 years later.Additional:(See related links.)If anything can be said to be invented by Hubble, it is to be found in a few ideas that came out of a few discoveries he made such as the existence of the Universe.Only at the turn of the century with the construction of gigantic telescopes of almost a meter in diameter was it possible to distinguish the blobs known as nebulae as being outside of our galaxy. In the 1920s Hubble's observations confirmed the existence of other galaxies in the universe outside of our own galaxy, an idea that existed, but was controversial and lacked evidence earlier. (Earlier, the universe was thought to be infinite, but mostly empty except for our own little neighborhood of a few billion stars in the Milky Way. As always, we were the center of the Universe.)In the next years, Hubble expanded this with data from others to quantify the observation that the Universe was expanding. (Now called Hubble's Law.) This led, of course, to the first data supporting the Big Bang theory suggested in by Georges Lemaître in 1927.