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Group I metals will have the most violent reaction.

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Q: What main group of metals would combine with chlorine?
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What kind of bond would chlorine make?

Chlorine can form both ionic and covalent bonds, with metals and non-metals respectively.

What columns on the periodic table would combine well in order for both to be more stable?

Metals and non-metals combine. They form ionic bonds.

What is the most reactive group of metals?

in group 1, the first column on the left Edit: these would be the alkali metals.

If potassium has one electron in its outer shell what type of elements would it prefer to combine with?

Potassium would bond with non-metals, ideally those in group 7, which must gain an electron.

What element is combined with chlorine in common salt?

Common salt, or table salt is sodium chloride, so you would combine sodium with chlorine.

What happens to lithium atom when atoms react with chlorine?

Chlorine and Fluorine generally do not react with each other because they are in the same group but form a highly reactive mixture. If the atoms happen to combine you would get a Chlorine Monofluoride molecule because Chlorine and Fluorine both have 7 valence electrons, due to which they might share one and it would look like this Cl-F. They would share an electron just like Cl2 or F2 do

Elements from which two groups in the periodic table would most likely combine with each other to form an ionic compound?

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Which element when combined with chlorine would most likely fom an ionic compound?

Among the naturally occurring elements, the most likely one would be cesium, the least electronegative of all elements. In practice, any of the other alkali metals and any of the alkaline earth metals would usually react readily with chlorine gas, as would many of the transition metals.

Which element would bond ionically with chlorine?

Most metals. For example- Sodium, Copper, etc.

What pair is most likely to form an ionic compound?

A metal and a non metal. If you combine two metals, you get a metallic (or a physical) bond. If you combine two non metals you get a covalent bond. Metals are any element on hte Periodic Table to the left of the zig zag likne. non metals are to the right. One example of an Ionic compound would be Sodium Chloride (salt): NaCl

What two elements would combine with thorium to complete it?

Thorium can be combined with the majority of non-metals.

Would a metal in group 13 be more or less reactive than a metal in a group 1?

The metals in group 13 would be less reactive than the metals in group 1 because the metals in group 1 are closest to the left of the Periodic Table. And any thing to the left are more reactive.