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Q: What major contributions did the Aztecs have?
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What are the major contributions of the Aztecs?

The Aztecs created a system of communication using roads. These roads were traveled by foot.

What important contributions did the Aztecs make to the world?

the calendar Aztecs

What were the Aztecs contributions to the world?


Contributions of the Aztecs?

Some contributions that were made by the Aztecs are popcorn, chocolate, and gum. They also invented terraced irrigation and used antispasmodic medicines.

What were some contributions of the Aztecs?

i need to know

What are the contributions of the Aztecs?

The Aztecs created a system of communication using roads. These roads were traveled by foot.

Three Scientific Contributions Of The Aztecs?

three scientific contributations

What contributions to society did the Aztecs have?

i guess water,because they had a bounch of waterways

Wha twere the contributions that the Aztecs and Incas gave to society?

The Aztecs are known for their advancements in agriculture, their complex social structure, and their mathematical and astronomical knowledge. The Incas are famous for their engineering skills, particularly their construction of roads and impressive stone structures like Machu Picchu, as well as their advanced agricultural techniques such as terracing and crop storage. Both civilizations also made significant contributions in art, music, and religious traditions.

What are the two british contributions to India?

The major contributions are * India as a single nation and * English

What was the major civilization located in Central America?

There were the Aztecs and the Mayans.

What are the major early civilizations?

The Maya, Inca, Aztecs, and the Mesopotamians.