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Q: What make people laugh when something is not funny?
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Why are jokes funny?

A good joke makes people laugh. It makes people laugh a hearty laugh, not a forced one and it is not racially, religiously or sexually offensive. A good joke makes people laugh, without being rude or offensive. But simply making a funny comment.

Is there a surefire way to make someone laugh?

AnswerEveryone is different, so there isn't really a gaurenteed way to make someone laugh. I know what makes me laugh though; just the meer effort of someone trying to make me laugh. It makes me feel good that someone would go out of their way to see me smile, so I do. And something that also makes ME laugh is when somone pokes me and teases me and makes a fool of themselves just for me. Someone who is lighthearted usually gets the laughs. And don't try too hard because you'll look like a moron. You can make that special someone laugh by, first trying some flirty jokes or funny jokes whatever one she would like best! I am a girl so I know these things! If you usually act shy around her than just be yourself and don't be afraid to have fun and be silly! Or tell her about something funny that happened in a movie or TV show. Just to spark a conversation and make her laugh at the same time! Try whatever you can and remember BE YOURSELF! If she is that important to you than I'm sure you'll do fine. Always keep a natural look on your face and don't look nervous because if you have a nervous face than she won't laugh, she will just know that you feel uncomfortable. Put some action in your face, like funny and crazy looks, be hyper but not too much! Just enough to make her laugh!Everyone's sense of humor is different. You need to get to know the girl a little bit to know what amuses her and what offends her. If you know her well enough, try different things to see which works for her. Don't waste you time with text and email; you want to see her face and hear her laugh in person.

What should you say for a good and funny head girl candidate speech?

Some good and funny head girl candidate speech topics might include funny stories about what inspired you to work hard. Another idea might be to take a funny look at a turning point in your life that brought you where you are today. Personal, funny stories about something that happened to you always make good speeches.

How do you to tell a joke?

i recommend the profession website of short funny jokes, Short Funny Jokes & Really Funny Jokes, Great collection of clean short funny jokes, Laugh at very Short Funny Jokes and humors. please see:

What are some ideas to make someone laugh?

The most common ways to make someone laugh are to tell a joke or to tickle them. Depending on your relationship with the person and the social situation, telling a joke may be more appropriate.

Related questions

What you do to make people laugh?

you tickle them or do something funny

Can Funny People not make you laugh?

Funny People can make you laugh!!!!!!!!

How do you make teachers laugh?

tell them something funny.

How do comedians make people laugh?

comedians make people laugh by telling people `joke's` that are funny and then people obviously laugh . :)

How do you make a funny ad?

make people laugh!

Can you make a baby laugh?

do something funny to make a baby laugh like a silly face. but dont do something to wierd or the baby will cry

Why does SpongeBob make people laugh?

He's funny.

How would you try to make others laugh?

You con make people laugh by talking funny jokes.

What happens if your scared of something and people laugh and make fun of you?

Just like laugh along with them and if it carry on and hurt our feelings just tell them to stop and its not funny anymore.

How do you make your friends laugh?

to make your friend laugh you should get to know them more, because if you knew them you would of already made them laugh!

What do you mean by say something funny?

when people tell u 2 tell them sumthin funny they mean 2 tell them sumthin that u kno will make them laugh

How do you make people laughe?

Just be your self and try to say something that are funny like wow what the did you just say you did it with someone that always makes my friends laugh but try something else cause that is my way to make my friends laugh.