

What makes a balloon float on water?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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11y ago

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The fact that the balloon is so light allows it to stay afloat,

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Q: What makes a balloon float on water?
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Is it the weight that makes things float?

No, it's the air volume on each item. For example, a balloon filled with air will surely float on the water, but a ballon filled with water will not float. That's because there is no air in the second one and that makes it even heavier.

What happens when you release a balloon on water?

The balloon will either float or pop

How do you use buoyancy?

Buoyancy is what keeps a boat floating on the top of the water. Buoyancy is what makes a helium balloon float in the air.

What makes a helium balloon float?

helium is a light mass of weight in which will float unlike a hevy object that will fall to the ground

What makes boats float on water?

Bouyancy is what makes a boat float

Why don't sulfur hexafluoride balloons float?

The air is too strong, which makes the balloon sink, along with the weight of the balloon's material.

Can a hydrogen filled balloon float in vacuum?

no it will not. because a balloon filled with hydrogen floats only because it is lighter than air so when there is a vacuum it will not float. it is like oil and water if there is no water oil is on the bottom if there is water it is on the top.

Why would inflated balloon float on water?

It's the balloon's volume and mass. If a thing has enough volume to compensate for its mass it will float on water, which also explains why steel ships can float, they have a huge hull. Check out the Yamato, a huge battleship of Japan during WWII.

Why does a balloon filled with water neither sink or float and it just drifts and literally becomes one with the water?

The density of water molecules is the same inside the balloon as on the outside.

What is in the banana that makes the balloon inflate?

In the banana are little pockets of oxygen in the peel that is also how they float!