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Q: What makes football gloves smell better?
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I have football gloves but they got rain from a game and now they really smell bad how can i unstink them?

wash them inside out works every time classic

How does cinnamon help in Indian food?

it makes it taste better an smell better.

What does an open box of baking soda do in a refrigerator?

It absorbs the bad smell in the refrigerator and that makes it smell better

Are Clorox wipes better than Lysol wipes for killing bacteria?

Clorox wipes smell better, so that makes them better.

Do feet smell?

Feet can produce odor due to sweat and bacteria that thrive in moist environments. Poor hygiene, wearing closed shoes for long periods, or certain medical conditions can contribute to foot odor. Proper foot care, such as washing regularly, keeping feet dry, and wearing clean socks and shoes, can help prevent unpleasant smells.

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What makes bathroom drains smell?

What makes a bathroom drain smell, soap makes a bathroom drain smell

How do you make breathe smell better?

To make your breathe smell better you should brush your teeth but mostly your tongue. The tongue makes your breathe smells bad so you should buy this item to clean your tongue.

What is the sour smell on your fingers after you wear work gloves a lot?

It's possibly a fungi on your hands. Wash hands and gloves regularly with a fungi soap.

What plant makes a unpleasant smell?

The rafflesia plant makes a unpleasant smell

How do you use dooz gel?

You use shower gel as if it is liquid soap. Rubbing it around your body makes you smell better

What does a football smell like?

Ammonia cartridges. Causes the release of adrenaline.