

What makes metal a good conductor?

Updated: 5/20/2024
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12y ago

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Because the atoms of a metal form a "regular" matrix through which their outer electrons can move freely.

The attraction between one atom's nucleus and a neighboring atom's electrons packs the atoms closely together. This close packing causes the outermost energy levels of the atoms to overlap. Therefore, electrons are free to move from atom to atom.

Metals as a group are pretty good conductors of electricity. Silver, copper, gold and aluminum top the list, but the reason metals conduct electricity can be explained in one of two ways. The fundamental reason that is often cited is that metals have a large number of free electrons that will support current flow. Apply a voltage, and the free electrons begin moving and current flow is almost instantaneous.

Another idea that might explain the issue is that for a given material, there is a minimum energy that electrons in that material must have to support current flow. This is the minimum energy of what is called the conduction band for that material. In metals, there already are a large number of electrons that are in the conduction band. The "natural" energy levels of electrons in metals overlap the energy level of the conduction band. Apply a voltage, and electrons in the overlap region will support current flow.

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1w ago

Metals are good conductors of electricity due to their structure, which allows electrons to move freely throughout the material. This high electron mobility enables efficient transfer of electric charge with minimal resistance. Additionally, metals have high thermal conductivity, which means they can efficiently transfer heat as well.

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12y ago

The standard model of metallic bonding states that the metal atoms all give up their outside electron(s). This basically forms a cluster of positively charged metal ions surrounded by a "sea of electrons". While this model has many holes, it explains conductivity in terms of the charged particles in the metal structure attracting electricity via electrostatic forces. Basically, charged stuff conducts electricity well, and metals at the atomic level are charged...

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13y ago

There is a range of conduction levels in the array of metals. The metals that conduct well have free electrons in their valance orbits. These interact with other electrons to establish current flow.

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13y ago

Because the particles that make up metal are very tightly packed and energy can pass through it much more easily than a lot of other substances.

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12y ago

A metal is a good conductor because it has got free electrons in its outermost Shel which can be transferred from one atom to another.

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12y ago

Metal is a good conductor of electricity because of the nature of its bonds. In metallic bonds the electrons form a sea of electrons, allowing them free movement when a current is applied.

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