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The permeability of soil is influenced by factors such as soil texture, structure, compaction, and organic matter content. Soils with larger pore spaces, such as sandy soils, tend to be more permeable than soils with smaller pore spaces, like clay soils. Compacted soils have reduced permeability due to decreased pore spaces for water to flow through. Organic matter can improve soil structure and increase permeability by creating aggregates that allow for better water movement.

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1mo ago

The permeability of soil is influenced by factors such as soil texture, structure, compaction, and organic matter content. Soils with larger pore spaces, such as sandy soils, tend to be more permeable than soils with smaller pore spaces, like clay soils. Compacted soils have reduced permeability due to decreased pore spaces for water to flow through. Organic matter can improve soil structure and increase permeability by creating aggregates that allow for better water movement.

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Do clay soils have more permeability than sandy soils?

No, sandy soils have higher permeability than clay soils. Clay soils have smaller pore spaces which restrict water movement, while sandy soils have larger pore spaces that allow for more rapid water drainage.

Soils that allow water to pass through them faster are more what?

Soils that allow water to pass through them faster are more permeable. This means that water can flow more easily through the soil, which can be beneficial for plants by preventing waterlogging and promoting better root growth.

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Clay soil is the least permeable because it has smaller particles that are closely packed together, reducing the spaces for water to flow through. Silt and loam soils have larger particles and more pore spaces, making them more permeable than clay soil.

What can you conclude about a soil's permeability by observing its texture?

You can generally expect sandy soils to be more permeable than clay soils due to their larger particle size and pore spaces. Soils with a loamy texture typically have a moderate permeability, offering a balance between drainage and water retention.

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different soils can drain better than others

What is a membrane that allows some substances to pass through but excludes others?

A selectively permeable membrane allows only certain molecules or ions to pass through while blocking others based on size, charge, or other specific properties. This allows for regulation of what enters and exits a cell or organelle.

How does the cell wall limit the cell?

A cell wall makes a cell more rigid and makes it less permeable which is beneficial as it can prevent stuff from easily flowing in or escaping.

Which is more permeable fine sand course sand or soil?

Fine sand is more permeable.

What is the opposite of light soils?

The opposite of light soils is heavy soils. Heavy soils have a high clay content and tend to hold more water and nutrients, making them more challenging for plant growth compared to light soils.

What is the roleof anti-diuretichormone (ADH)in the body?

ADH makes the collecting duct & distal convoluted tubule of the nephron more permeable to water

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