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This terminology may be being used relative to a master insurance policy and coverage.

One definition might be that betterments and improvements could be upgrades to existing fixtures, equipment, appliances and so forth.

This is to distinguish these investments from 'additions and alterations', which could be adding a patio or converting a closet to a bathroom, for example.

If your question involves insurance, best practices dictate consulting with your broker or carrier to fully understand their definition of these terms.

Regardless of who's using the terms, they should define them for you so that you can fully understand them in the context of your situation.

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Q: What makes up betterments and improvements in a condominium?
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What do you own when you buy a condominium?

Read your governing documents to identify the border between what you own in your unit individually and what you own outside your unit in common with all owners.You may find that the border is 'the studs', 'the paint', 'the wallboard' and so forth.Every condominium is different from every other condominium in terms of who owns what.Another PerspectiveWhen you purchase your condominium the governing documents set forth the boundaries of your unit and the common areas. However, what you own in fee is your unit and a percentage interest in the common areas and the land that makes up the condominium parcel.

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You typically get a Condominium Declaration from the developer or the property management company of the condominium complex. It is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of the condominium owners and the rules and regulations of the complex.

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One could place his or her condominium for sale on Craigslist for instance. In fact condos are very popular in certain countries in the world as they promote a certain lifestyle, selling a condominium in Hawaii is advised on HiCondos, if the condominium is in Singapore, STProperty is a good place to list the property for sale. In any case PropertyGuru is a good website to sell and gather information about the local market.

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A Project does not have any importance for six sigma improvements. It is the other way round. Six Sigma improvements are taken up on projects to improve efficiency

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The average price for a New York condominium will depend on how you purchase it. A furnished condominium will be much more expensive than an unfurnished one. They can start as low as under a $1,000 and go up from there.

What is a condo 'amd'?

It may be that you are picking up sites that refer to condominium law followed by the notation amd, which means as amended. That may also refer to amendments to the Master Deed of the condominium. In any case, it is likely that whatever you have seen relates to amendments.

What improvements have been made to the F-18?

Depends on what category of improvements you are looking at. Northrop Grumman has made some improvements to the HUD (Head-up display), while boeing has replaced certain metals. I would imagine most of these things are classified.

What improvements have been made to facebook?

they have put reports up if someone put mean or bad things up

What is a condo association?

A condominium association is a legal entity, often a state-registered corporation, made up of members who own condominium units. Read your governing documents to identify the particulars of your association, and how the state's corporate guidelines affect the business conducted by the association on behalf of its members.

Is a condo considered commercial property?

Condominium ownership implies that all owners own a share of the real estate assets that make up the association's holdings together with the unit assigned to the owner.Commercial buildings may be condominiums. There may be commercial units within a condominium complex. As a business, however, the association is a corporation that may be for profit, not for profit or exist as an unincorporated association.AnswerThat depends on how the condominium was set up in the Master Deed. A residential condominium typically contains only residential condominium units. Some condominium projects offer mixed use when they include some units for commercial use such as restaurants, offices or shops at street level with residential units on upper levels. Others are strictly dedicated to commercial use such as office buildings or industrial complexes. The use is clearly set forth in the Master Deed. Generally, if you own a residential condo unit you cannot use it for commercial purposes.