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"insulator" and "conductor" are really the same just that electric conductivity is many orders of magnitude higher in a conductor than in an insulator. So if you have several kilometers of silver metal it will insulate (electrically) as well as a few hundredths of a millimeter of Teflon.

Semi conductors lie between conductors and insulators with the added advantage of being able to change conductivity if they are configured correctly and if control voltages are placed across them properly.

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Q: What material conducts electric current better than an insulator by not as well as a conductor?
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Is there something that is a non conductor and a non insulator?

No, a material cannot be both a non-conductor and a non-insulator. A non-conductor is a material that does not allow the flow of electric current, while an insulator is a material that minimizes the flow of electric current. If a material is not conducting electricity, it is considered an insulator.

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In a conductor, such as a metal, free electrons are present that can easily move in response to an applied voltage, allowing the flow of current. In insulators, such as plastics or ceramics, electrons are tightly bound to atoms and cannot move freely, making it difficult to establish a current flow without significant energy input.

What material conducts electric current poorly?

A material that conducts electric current poorly is an insulator. Insulators have high resistance to the flow of electricity due to their tightly bound electrons, which do not move easily. Examples of insulators include rubber, plastic, and glass.

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a conductor does, while an insulator poorly conducts thermal energy!

What is a conductor of electricity and an insulator of electricity?

A conductor of electricity is a material that allows electric current to flow through it easily, such as metals. An insulator of electricity is a material that does not allow electric current to flow through it easily, such as rubber or plastic.

What material conducts electric current better than an insulation but not as well as a conductor?


Is electric press a conductor or insulator?

Whether a material is a conductor or an insulator depends on its ability to conduct electric current. An electric conductor is a material that allows the flow of electric charge. In conductors, electrons are loosely bound and can move easily, facilitating the flow of electric current. Common examples of conductors include metals like copper and aluminum. On the other hand, an insulator is a material that does not allow the flow of electric charge. Insulators have tightly bound electrons, and they do not conduct electricity well. Examples of insulators include rubber, glass, and most non-metallic materials. In the context of an electric press, it's important to note that the press itself is typically made of metal, which is a conductor. However, the material being pressed could be either a conductor or an insulator depending on its properties. If the material being pressed is an insulator, it won't conduct electricity well, even though the press itself is a conductor.

What material conductors electric current better than an insulator but not as well a conductor?


What is the difference between a insualator and a conductor?

An insulator is a material that does not allow electric current to flow through it easily, while a conductor is a material that allows electric current to flow through it easily. Insulators have high resistance to electric current, while conductors have low resistance. This property is determined by the arrangement of electrons in the atoms of the material.

A material that conducts thermal energy well is a thermal?

Something that conducts thermal energy well is a thermal...conductor. If it does not conduct well it is called an insulator.