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is just mad of silk

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Sipser silk

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Q: What material is a spiders web made from?
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Do spiders like to read?

No. No they do not. Unless they can get free material on the web.

Does sound waves affect the makings of a spiders web?

Every material resonates at its own frequency.

What is a food web made of?

a food web is a spiders web full of food in which animals from all around come to feed from

There are 26 spiders and flies on a web with 174 legs on it How many spiders are on the web?

26 spiders

Where does a spiders web go when a spider climbs up it?

The spider collects it as it climbs up using its last two legs. It can either eat it later for the material that it consists of and make web material out of it later.

Why are Funnel-Web Spiders named Funnel-Web Spiders?

They spin there web in a cylinder like way

Of what material are spider webs composed?

Spiders secrete a combination of proteins that they use to weave their webs. Some of the proteins create the silk and another protein makes up the sticky substance that traps the prey in the web.

Can black widow cobwebs hurt you?

No, the spiders web is made of silk. It cannot hurt you.

How many species of funnel web spiders are there?

There are about 40 different species of funnel web spiders.

In darts what is the spiders web?

The spiders web is the metal framework which separates the number sections on a dartboard.

Where do you find sydney funnel web spiders?

Sydney web spiders are found in Sydney, Australia .

What eats the fly?

Spiders are the main animal and the only one that i know of that eats flies... it catches it in its web and wraps it in some more web material, and sucks the blood out of the fly x