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the materials extracted from the sea are the salt- and seawead and driftwood

answer 2 Salt, Iodine from seaweeds, agar from seaweeds, some of the world's magnesium is recovered from seawater. 'Drinking water' by reverse osmosis.

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2mo ago

Materials extracted from the sea include salt, sand, gravel, oil, gas, minerals, and fish. These resources are used for various purposes such as food production, energy generation, construction, and manufacturing.

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Q: What materials are extracted from the sea?
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How is chlorine extracted from the sea?

Chlorine is extracted from seawater using a process called electrolysis, where an electric current is passed through the saltwater to split it into its components. Chlorine is collected at the anode during this process.

What is natural and extracted materials?

Natural materials are substances that are found in nature, such as wood, cotton, and stone. Extracted materials are natural resources that have been obtained through extraction processes, like mining, drilling, or harvesting, such as oil, minerals, and timber.

An element obtained from sea water?

Sodium is an element that can be obtained from sea water. It is present in the form of sodium chloride, which is commonly known as table salt, and can be extracted through processes like electrolysis.

Is toothpaste a renewable or nonrenewable resource?

Toothpaste is a nonrenewable resource because it is derived from a combination of natural and synthetic materials that are finite in supply and require energy-intensive processes to produce. Once these materials are extracted and used up, they cannot be replaced on a human timescale.

How is biogas extracted from biomass?

Biogas is extracted from biomass through a process called anaerobic digestion. Organic materials such as food waste, manure, or sewage are broken down by bacteria in an oxygen-free environment, releasing methane gas. This methane can then be collected and used as a renewable energy source for heating, electricity generation, or transportation.

Related questions

Where can salt be extracted?

Salt can be extracted from mines or sea water.

The place from where salt is extracted?

Salt is extracted from mines or sea waters.

Where do you get sea salt?

Sea salt is extracted from sea/ocean waters.

Where can you get sea salt?

Sea salt is extracted from sea waters by the evaporation of water.

What materials are extracted from mining for building materials?

i dont know the answer, thats why i ask you

What is extracted materials?

im Looking for the answer ot for the questions

How is salt produced and extracted?

salt is not produced but it is extracted from sea water throught evaporisation of water and then purifying it.

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aluminum is extracted from many different materials

How do you get it salt?

Salt is extracted from mines or sea water.

How do they manufacture sea salt?

Sodium chloride is extracted from salt mines or sea waters.

How do transistors relate to chemistry?

Transistors are made of materials. They have to be extracted and purified. This relies on chemistry and Materials Science.

How is salt extracted from seamines?

Salt can be extracted from sea waters (not mines); after evaporation of water salt remain as a crystallized solid.