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wattle and daub is made from clay,sand,fesise and straw

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Q: What materials are used for wattle and daub?
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What does wattle and daub mean?

Wattle and Daub is a composite building used for making walls

What were some of the earliest construction materials used?

Wood and mud in the form of mud bricks and wattle and daub structures.

Who lived in wattle and daub?

Wattle and daub structures were commonly inhabited by medieval people in Europe, as well as by various indigenous cultures around the world. These structures are made of woven sticks (wattle) covered in a mixture of mud and straw (daub), providing simple yet effective shelter against the elements. They were a popular choice for many different societies due to their accessibility and ease of construction.

What are wattle and daub houses?

A wattle and daub house is a house made from wattle, woven twigs, and daub, a mixture made mostly of mud. The house is framed with timbers, the wattle is put in the open areas between the frames, and the daub is applied like plaster. There is link below to a picture of a wattle and daub wall under repair, showing the structure.

When did wattle and daub huts die down?

Wattle and daub construction techniques have been used for thousands of years and are still used in some regions today. The decline in popularity of wattle and daub huts began with the introduction of more modern building materials and construction methods, especially during the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries. However, wattle and daub construction can still be found in traditional and historical settings.

Why were neolithic houses stronger than mesolithic houses?

Neolithic houses were typically stronger than Mesolithic houses due to advancements in construction techniques and materials. In the Neolithic period, people began using more durable materials like stones and clay for construction, leading to more stable and long-lasting structures compared to the natural materials and simple constructions used in the Mesolithic period. Additionally, Neolithic people often built more permanent settlements, requiring more sturdy and protective housing structures.

What is wattle and daub structures?

Wattle and daub structures involved the "wattling", or weaving, of branches and twigs to make a frame for a wall. Daub was a mixture of mud, straw and/or animal fat which was then applied, or "daubed" onto the walls, into the gaps, to seal the wall against the elements. Wattle and daub structures were common from medieval times through to American colonial and Australian colonial times.

What is wattle and daub?

Wattle and daub structures involved the "wattling", or weaving, of branches and twigs to make a frame for a wall. Daub was a mixture of mud, straw and/or animal fat which was then applied, or "daubed" onto the walls, into the gaps, to seal the wall against the elements. Wattle and daub structures were common from medieval times through to American colonial and Australian colonial times.

What Housing did mississippian Indians live in?

Wattle and daub houses

What are the walls between the bits of wood from in the Tudor times?

daub and wattle. daub is clay, sand and dung wattle is woven sticks I'm not sure what the wood is made out of though sorry! :)

What are the walls between the bits of wood made from in Tudor times?

daub and wattle. daub is clay, sand and dung wattle is woven sticks I'm not sure what the wood is made out of though sorry! :)

What did Norman houses look like?

they were cottages made with wattle and daub.