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Q: What materials has a strong resistance to the flow of electrons?
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What does the resistance of the flow of electrons cause?

it cause no electricity because of the resistance but.... if your question was..... "the caused by the flow of electrons" then the answer well be ( it cause electricity )

What does cause resistance in electrical wires?

electrical resistence is occur in conductor due to over flow of current,in conductorAnswerResistance is not due to the 'flow of current'. It exists whether current is flowing or not! Resistance is determined by the type of material and its physical dimensions. Resistance depends upon the resistivity (which is also affected by temperature) of the material, and the length and cross-sectional area of that material.

Does resistance flow through a circuit?

No. Resistance does not flow. Resistance is the characteristic of a material that resists the movement of electrons and thus the flow of electrical current.

What material has a low resistance and permits the flow of electrons?

silver is regarded as the best conductor of electricity as far. as metals are considered. #AMP# Good conducting materials like copper has a low resistance and permits the flow of current.

''Ohm's law is the tendency for material to oppose the flow of electrons''is this true?

No, resistance is the tendency to oppose the flow of electrons. Ohm's Law simply relates resistance, voltage, and current.

What is the measurement of how difficult it is for electrons to flow through a material?


What slows the movement of electrons?


Why there is a voltage drop in a resistor?

Any device as soon as electrons flow there is restriction caused by materials opposing this electrons flow.

Why does the diameter of a wire affect its resistance in terms of current being a flow of electrons?

Because its bigger, so more electrons can flow through

Resistance to the flow of electrons in a conductor causes a loss of?

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