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Conductors- Most types of metal. Copper and Aluminium are used these days. Silver is a very good conductor but it is expensive. Insulators- rubber, plastic and wood are good insulators in the solid state.

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Q: What materials make the best conductors and insulators?
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Which materials make the best insulators?


What substances are the best insulators?

Usually nonmetals. Rubber, plastic, wood, cloth, paper, Styrofoam, tinfoil (to reflect the heat.)The most common insulator for electricity is plastic.

Name two other materials that are poor conductors of electricity and might make good insulators?

plastic, glass and rubber

Why does insulators and conductors matter?

In electricity, Insulators help insulate electric charges. Conductors conduct the electric charges and make them into electricity.

What kinds of materials make good insulators?

There are a number of materials that make good thermal insulators. Blankets and pockets of air make good thermal insulators for example.

Why does a switch need to be made out of insulators and conductors?

The conductors carry the electricity around the circuit... the insulators make it safe for people to operate the switch without being electrocuted.

Do insulators have lower resistance than conductors?

On the contrary, insulators have higher resistance than conductors. Resistance refers to resisting a flow of electricity, making it more difficult for electricity to flow. Conductors conduct electricity, they make it easy for electricity to flow. Insulators prevent the flow of electricity.

Make a list of materials which are good conductors of heat and materials which are good insulators of heat from objects at home?

Generally, things that feel cold to touch (in a normal temperature room and no heating applied to them) are good conductors of heat (metals for example). Poor conductors tend to feel neither hot or cold under normal conditions (wood for example).

What material make good conductors?

What materials make good conductors

Why do you need both conductors and insulators in electrical appliances?

To make electricity go where you want it to go, so it will do what you want it to do, you have to provide a pathway along which it can travel, made of conductors, and barriers around that pathway, made of insulators, to keep it from leaking out of the desired pathway.

Is a comb a conductor or a insulator?

Most plastic combs (like for combing your hair) would be classified as insulators. All materials conduct, however, the amount of voltage (i.e. electrical pressure) required to make a material conduct generally cause us to classify materials as either: 1. Conductors (e.g. copper, gold) 2. Insulators (e.g. air, mica, glass, Teflon - ) 3. Semi-conductors (e.g. Silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge) )

Is a comb a conductor or insulator?

Most plastic combs (like for combing your hair) would be classified as insulators. All materials conduct, however, the amount of voltage (i.e. electrical pressure) required to make a material conduct generally cause us to classify materials as either: 1. Conductors (e.g. copper, gold) 2. Insulators (e.g. air, mica, glass, Teflon - ) 3. Semi-conductors (e.g. Silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge) )