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Nothing escapes from a black hole.

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Dark matter is a type of matter that does not interact with electromagnetic radiation, making it invisible and undetectable using traditional methods.

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Dark Matter

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Q: What matter gives off no electromagnetic radiation?
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What matter gives off electromagnetic radiation?

Dark Matter

Matter in space that does not give off electromagnetic radiation is called?

Dark matter.

The sun gives off a large amount of energy in the form of what kind of radiation?

Electromagnetic radiation

Is the energy a fire gives off electromagnetic?

The energy given off by a fire is mainly in the form of heat and light. This energy is not typically considered electromagnetic radiation like that produced by the sun. The heat energy comes from the combustion process, while the light energy is produced by incandescence.

What gives off electromagnetic radiation?

Many things give off electromagnetic radiation. Cell phones, the body, x-rays, and supposedly ghosts and spirits. EMF detectors (or electro-magnetic-field detector) are also supposed to pick up electromagnetic radiation given off by anything it's pointed at.

What happens to a blackbody radiator as it increases in temperature?

It gives off a range of electromagnetic radiation of shorter wavelengths.

How is Heat radiation is transferred?

Well a warm object gives off infrared electromagnetic radiation, which can be absorbed in another object, heating it up.

What are some examples of radiation giving off electromagnetic waves?

Some examples of radiation giving off electromagnetic waves include X-rays, gamma rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, and radio waves. Each of these types of radiation falls within a specific range of the electromagnetic spectrum, with varying wavelengths and energy levels.

How heat is transferred by radiation?

Well a warm object gives off infrared electromagnetic radiation, which can be absorbed in another object, heating it up.

Is grilling radiation?

A grill that cooks meat gives off electromagnetic radiation, both visible and infra-red. Some of the cooking is also done by convection.

Is grilling a radiation?

A grill that cooks meat gives off electromagnetic radiation, both visible and infra-red. Some of the cooking is also done by convection.

What do elements give off when they are heated?

Electromagnetic radiation.