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Q: What media does zeng fanzhi use in his art work?
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What has the author Zhushao Zeng written?

Zhushao Zeng has written: 'Zhongguo dang dai diao su jia Zeng Zhushao =' -- subject(s): Human beings in art

What is mixed-media artwork?

art work useing more than 1 media

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What is meant by the term art media?

A medium (the singular form; "media" is the plural) in art is a material that is used to create a work of art. There are many sorts of media, ranging from graphite or paint for drawings, to cement and wood for architecture, to computer programs for digital art.

What kind of art work is displayed at the art institue of Pittsburgh?

They proudly display fashion, culinary, and media art work from the graduates at Pittsburgh. The art institute also has great learning options to suit your needs.

What art media did Oskar Kokoschka work in?

Painting and woodcut. He also wrote plays.

What does media mean in art terms?

it means like a big gallery of art on a wall.. or a wall of art or hall of famers art work... just like a big place where a lot of art is put..

When was Japan Art Media created?

Japan Art Media was created in 1989.

Where can you find art by s manla?

You can find art by S. Manla on his personal website, social media profiles, online art marketplaces, and possibly at art galleries that represent or exhibit his work.

How Henri Matisse and William Kentridge extended the boundaries of traditional art drawing media?

Matisse and Kentridge are greats in the world of art. They extending the boundaries of drawing. They eschewed traditional media and held no boundaries in their work.

What media materialls did ernst hackel did he use in his work?

he used oil paints , brushes and tempre to produce his 3d art work

How do you make a perfect work of art?

Few things are perfect. Nor can they be. In art, particularly so, as it is an entirely subjective media and a matter of perception of the individual.