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Neurontin (gabapentin), Lamictal (lamotrigine), and topiramate (Topamax).treat adults who have partial seizures or partial and grand mal seizures. Another new medication called Levetiracetam (Keppra) has been approved.

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10y ago

Particle seizures may require part of the brain to be removed. Other treatments include medication, as well as some forms of electro-therapy. Partial seizures may be called petit mal seizures.

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13y ago

Myoclonic seizures can be treated with valproate and clonazepam. Tonic seizures seem to respond favorably to valproate, felbamate , and clonazepam.

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13y ago

Simple and complex partial seizures respond to drugs such as carbamazepine , valproic acid (valproate), phenytoin, gabapentin , tiagabine , lamotrigine , and topiramate .

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12y ago

Dilantin, Tegretol, Barbita, and Mysoline are used to manage or control generalized tonic-clonic and complex partial seizures.

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What will cure partial seizures?

There are many medications out there that can be used to treat partial seizures. Someone with epilepsy may have trouble finding a cure for their seizures.

What medications are used to treat tonic clonic seizures?

Tonic-clonic seizures tend to respond to valproate, carbamazepine, phenytoin, and lamotrigine.

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Medications, such as Trileptal, which are designed to treat seizures, are also successfully used to treat depression and bipolar disorder.

What medications are used to treat absence seizures?

Depakene, Klonopin, and Zarontin are prescribed for patients who have absence seizures.

What medications are used to treat tonic seizure?

Tonic seizures seem to respond favorably to valproate, felbamate , and clonazepam.

Primary complex treatment?

There are several different medications that are used to treat primary complex. Some of these medications include Isoniazid, Rifampin, Pyrazinamide, and Ethambutol.

Is Depakote used for seizures?

Yes it was first prescribed for seizures, and later for Bipolar disorder. Answer I have epilepsy and take 2 500mg pills a day. Has helped me but can be used with other epilepsy medications to help improve the loss of seizures. I am also on Lamictal and Keppra.

What is Zonisamide used to treat?

The drug Zonisamide is used mainly to treat partial seizures. Zonisamide although not currently approved for any other uses is also used by some doctors for pain management and depression.

Is phenytoin schedule l?

Phenytoin sodium is a type of drug used to treat generalized tonic-clonic seizures and partial seizures. Although the FDA has classified this as a drug with risks if taken incorrectly, it has not be classified as a Schedule I drug as of August 2013.

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Most doctors use a lot of medications to treat complex regional pain syndrome. The medications used are pain relievers, antidepressants, and anti-convulsants. They also use corticosteroids, bone-loss medications, and sympathetic nerve-blocking medication.

How do you treat cat seizures?

If your cat is having a seizure you need to take the cat to a veterinarian, not ask online how to treat the seizures.

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There are no medications or surgery to treat RP.