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Prescribed medications, Asprin will somewhat clear arteries.


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Q: What medications clean plaque from arteries?
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What clogs arteries forming heart attacks?

Plaque clogs arteries. Plaque comes from a diet of fatty foods.

Does plaque cause cancer?

No, plaque causes clogged arteries and veins.

What do arteries have in atherosclerosis?

They Have Narrowed Due To The Bild Up Of Plaque.

Cures of the plaque?

For dental plaque, chemicals and dental care. For plaque in arteries, eat less fatty food exercise more, stay healthy.

What is atheosclerosis?

A disease of the arteries that is characterized by the accumulation of lipid containing material called plaque on the inner walls of the arteries

What causes athermatous plaque?

Atherosclerosis is a buildup of plaque, cells, and fatty deposits in the walls of arteries that can get worst over time.

What is the medical term meaning removal of yellowish plaque from arteries?


What is thought to be the major promoter of fatty plaque buildup in the coronary arteries?

The major promoter of fatty plaque buildup in the coronary arteries is high cholesterol. High cholesterol can be treated with dietary changes or medication.

What is peripheral artery disease?

Peripheral artery disease is when plaque obstructs the arteries. Arteries carry oxygen rich blood throughout the body. When plaque builds up it can harden and restrict the blood flow.

Where is the most common location for plaque development?

Plaque in your arteries is very bad - it can contribute to clots, which in turn can cause heart attacks, loss of blood flow to muscles, or other health conditions. There is not one place in the body where this type of plaque is most common. Any plaque in the arteries, no matter where it is, can cause problems. Plaque closer to the heart can cause more fatal problems than, say, plaque in the legs.

Why are hdls good for you?

They transfer the fatcells from your arteries to the liver, which will drain it out of your system. This way the arteries can't fill up with plaque.