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Q: What memeber of committe to write the declaration of independance was?
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WHAT YEAR DID thomas Jefferson write the declaration of independance?

The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776

How did John Lockes views affect Thomas Jefferson?

it helped him write the declaration of independance

Why did Thomas write the Declaration of Independence?

the 13 american colonies were ruled by england, but they wanted their independence, so they elected thomas jefferson to write the declaration of independance.

In 1776 which document did the colonists write to tell England that they wanted to be free from British rule?

declaration of independence

What did Thomas jeferson do that related to the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson was asked to draft (write) the declaration of independance. He added in statements such as all men are created equal that at the time created a large amount of contreversy. He also was one of the signers of the final draft of the declaration of independance that is currently in the national archives.


Who are the five men who were originally picked to write the us declaration of independance

Who was the most responsible for the declaration of independance?

Thomas Jefferson was assigned to write a rough draft of the Declaration of Independence, but he was not the most responsible. The Second Continental Congress was.

The committee appointed to write the declaration?

Thomas Jefferson was a lawyer who came to write the Delaration of Independance on May 10 it was finished and signed was wasnt shown till July 4th.

Witch president was the author of the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independance. Other men, some of which signed the document, help to write it, though most of the credit should go to Jefferson.

What did Thomas Jefferson do for the US?

His Declaration of independance effected us today because if he didnt write that then we wouldn't have our freedom or our rights

What US president was the chairman of the committee that prepared the Declaration of Independence?

The Second Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin, future President Thomas Jefferson, future President John Adams, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman to a committee to write the Declaration of Independence. Although Jefferson did most of the actual writing, John Adams was the chair of the committe.

Who was selected to write the declaration of the independence?

Thomas Jefferson was chosen to write the Declaration Of Independence