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Q: What metals in the body can affect fertility?
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No it will not affect fertility

Does soil formation affect the fertility of soil?

No, soil formation doesn't affect the fertility of soil but soil looses its fertility by being exhausted.

Is chlamydia life-threatening and can it affect future fertility?

Chlamydia is not life-threatening. It can affect future fertility.

Can a chest infection affect a males fertility?

Possibly as an infection can pass right through the body, it will clear up when its gone though.

How often if we mastrubate we'll loose our fertility?

Masturbation does not affect your Fertility although they are researching it.

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soil fertility increases soil PH

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How does alcohol consumption affect fertility?

It doesn't.

Why do birth control have hormones?

Birth control pills have hormones because hormones are the chemicals that affect ovulation and other aspects of fertility in the female body.

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Egg donation does not have any long-term effects on your fertility.

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