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The people liked him because he made them feel proud of their country again (nationalism). He brain washed his people to think that the Jews were the reason they lost World War I. The people believed that he would restore Germany and create jobs (there was very high unemployment at the time, and people just wanted a leader to lead them out of the crisis). If you lived there at the time, you probably would have liked him too, as he was an excellent orator, and promised to restore Germany and dispel the confusion.

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15y ago

1. HJ- Hilter Youth (Hitler Jugend) brainwashed them 2. Propaganda 3. Terror methods including the SS 4. There is also the fact that the country was pretty much in ruin and he gained popularity because the nation was looking for a stong leader to boost them up from the immese depression that German was suffering. But I don't know if that is pertinent to your question or not.

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14y ago

Hitler used a number of propagandistic, ideological and political techniques to rise to power and maintain control in Germany.

The first was the idea of German exceptionalism: The idea that the German people were members of a "Master Race." This race, called Aryans, were supposed to be physically, mentally and morally superior to all other human races. Interestingly none of the leaders of the Nazi party that promoted this idea, from Hitler on down through Goebbels, Himmler, Goering, etc. could pass the rigorous racial purity tests they imposed on others. But the German people loved the idea that they were special. An entire taxonomy of better and lesser "races" was developed to pigeon hole people into their divinely allotted places in the perfect social order. Of course the majority of Germans occupied the very top of the list.

The second, and perhaps most effective, technique employed by Hitler and his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, was the "Big Lie," the idea that you could tell a lie, often the more outrageous the better, and repeat it so often that opposition to the lie--the truth--could be overwhelmed and people would believe the lie to be the truth and disbelieve the actual truth. This technique was used to slander and libel political opponents and to obscure or erase the failures of the Nazi party, the party leaders and Germany itself. One of the best Big Lies is to label anything your political opponents say as examples of a Big Lie. A singular advantage of this technique is that once people are aware of the idea of a Big Lie, it is self-reinforcing. People know they are being lied to so, rather than researching the truth, they merely cling to their favorite lies, secure in their faith that "the other guy" is lying.

The third technique used by Hitler to advance his agenda was the war itself. While it has been proven time and again that the idea that "war is good for the economy" is false, in the short term, and presuming that you can win often enough, war can boost the economy of a nation. Jobs are created in munitions manufacture, within the military and the government and in the general economy, producing goods for the military. Due to the economic hardship caused by the reparations imposed on Germany following the First World War, and in the throes of the great depression, such jobs were sorely needed. Winning the first battles of the war also raised German spirits and gave them hope for the future. And, of course, there are the spoils of war. Most Germans did not enjoy most of the benefits of the war, but the German economy did pick up thanks to Nazi war mongering.

Tying it all together was Hitler's immense oratorical skill. He was capable of giving rousing speeches and captivating the imagination of millions of people. Using promises of unending victory, numerous Big Lies and promises of a glorious German-led future, the thousand-year "Third Reich," Hitler managed to seduce the nation of Germany and lead it, ultimately to defeat and destruction.

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11y ago

To gain power as Chancellor of Germany, Adolf Hitler used many tactics but one that was most effective and equally as deadly was the use of "bully" tactics. Hitler used this "bully" tactic that was enacted by the Sturmabteilung (SA) to shake up the political competition. The most famous example of this tactic is the "Nacht der langen Messer" or "Night of the Long Knives" where along with the Waffen SS and the Gestapo, the SA killed around 85 Politicians and arresting many more. This so called "purge" took place between June 30th and July 2nd, 1934.

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15y ago

Hitler controlled his nation by fear.

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