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Q: What mf is the space around a magnet where it had an effect?
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What mf is the space around a magnet where it has an effect?


The atmosphere is almost 80 percent of what?

The atmosphere is almost 80 percent nitrogen. The next most abundant gas is oxygen, making up about 20 percent of the atmosphere. Other gases such as carbon dioxide, argon, and water vapor make up the remaining small percentage.

How can you tell if your Massey Ferguson 35 is positive or negative earth?

The quickest and best way is to look at the battery. If your positive cable (+) is going to the frame or body, positive ground. If the negative (-) goes to the frame or body, negative ground. I believe that a MF 35 is a neg ground system but use the check from above.

What was the climate for the Lakota Indians?

The Navajo live and have always lived on the Colorado Plateau between 5,500 and 7000 feet in elevation for the main area but with some areas up to 10,000 ft high and as low as 4,500ft. This is high desert, steppes and mountains. There is a summer thunderstorm rainy period which many call the "monsoon" and there is snow in the winter. It ranges from desert with little vegetation to pinon pine and juniper forest ( most of the area) to high mountains and mesas with pine forests and lakes. The San Juan and Colorado are major rivers that go through the area. In the higher areas the temperatures range from 4 to 80 F, with 16-27 inches of rain. The lowest areas are from 11- 110F with 7-11 inches of rain. The steppe areas are in between with 10 degrees and a high of 88. Annual rainfall is from 12 to 16 inches, and the growing season averages 147 days. The current land area is 27,425 square miles.