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There might be floods that can threaten by landslides

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Q: What might happen if the monsoons were late?
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Related questions

What are monsoons like in South Korea?

Yes, we certainly do! It quite cold, and it might last about a week or more. I hate monsoon season ... it stinks ...

Why do monsoons occur in Arizona but no?

Monsoons don't occur in AZ. It is located in a desert and a monsoons happen in tropical areas.

How many monsoons happen in 1 year?

There are about 15 monsoons per year.

What months do monsoons happen in?

the winter monsoons blow dry air from the northeast for wet monsoons they pick up moisture from the ocean

Where do floods happen the most in Bangladesh?

Because of the monsoons and lack of money....................

Where monsoons originated?

Monsoons happen anywhere near mountains. They are large downpours that come from the other side of a mountain and rain down on the other side.

Where did the worst monsoon happen?

Probably India. They get monsoons actually kinda regularly.

Did the monsoons arrive too late in the season crops could dry out true or false?


How do you think monsoons affected settlement in India?

Monsoons bring much needed rain that farmers require for their crops in a hot climate. When monsoon come either too early or late in a season, this can affect the agriculture of India. Although providing water is a benefit of monsoons, they also can be detrimental when severe monsoons do massive damage to land and cause death.

When are monsoons most likely to happen around the world?

Monsoons happen between the months of June and october in most places acrossed the globe. for mor information on monsoon season please visit or your local new stations.

How do you think monsoons affected settlement India?

Monsoons bring much needed rain that farmers require for their crops in a hot climate. When monsoon come either too early or late in a season, this can affect the agriculture of India. Although providing water is a benefit of monsoons, they also can be detrimental when severe monsoons do massive damage to land and cause death.

Where are the monsoons in the US?

The monsoons in the US primarily affect the Southwest region, particularly Arizona and New Mexico. These monsoons typically occur during the summer months and bring heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, and flash flooding to the area.