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Fossils ranging in size from single celled plant and animal organisms to whale bones to dinosaur footprints are found in sedimentary rock.

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Waldo Ledner

Lvl 13
2y ago
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15y ago

There are lots of different types of sedimentary rocks: Gravel, sandstone, shale, limestone, etc. Let's talk sandstone. Sandstones generally contain small grains of feldspar and quartz. The area between the grains is called porespace and can contain cement (calcium carbonate or silica), clay, water or oil. Other types of grains found in sandstones can be: limestone fragments, metamorphic rock fragments, sandstone fragments, fossils, and other minor constituents such as magnetite, zircon, anhydrite, mica, etc. Gravel is coarser grained than sandstone and usually contains rock fragments eroded from older rocks. Shale is very fined grained and is usually contains clay minerals. Limestones are made up of calcium carbonate (calcite) that is usually formed by marine organisims (corals, shells, etc.).

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14y ago

Fossils ranging in size from single celled plant and animal organisms to whale bones to dinosaur footprints are found in sedimentary rock.

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12y ago

Fossils are very commonly found in sedimentary rocks more than other rocks. It can be composed of sand, decomposed other rocks and parts of hills or mountains and possibly fish bones.

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Rocks formed from weathered debris from preexisisting rocks are called?

They are called clastic sedimentary rocks.

How are rocks and minarals different?

Rocks are composed of minerals. Minerals are inorganic chemical solids.

Are sedimentary rocks classified tofoliated sedimentary rocks?

No, sedimentary rocks are not classified as foliated. Foliation is a textural feature found in certain types of metamorphic rocks where minerals are aligned in layers or bands due to pressure and heat. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation and cementation of sediments and do not exhibit foliation.

Are sedimentary rocks formed from fragments of other rocks chemical sedimentary rocks?

No. The rocks you describe are clastic or detrital sedimentary rocks.

What has the author Sam Boggs written?

Sam Boggs has written: 'Petrology of sedimentary rocks' -- subject(s): Sedimentary Rocks 'Petrology of sedimentary rocks' -- subject(s): Rocks, Sedimentary, Sedimentary Rocks

Who studies rocks and minarals?

A Geologist.

Are there any fossils in sedimentary rocks?

Yes all fossils occur in sedimentary rocks or rocks that began as sedimentary rocks.

What rocks are formed when sediments are compressed compacted and cemented togerther?

Sedimentary rocks.

What rocks are formed from broken rocks?

Clastic sedimentary rocks and Cataclasites (a form of metamorphic rock) are formed from broken rocks.

Sedimentary rocks formed when they undergo?

Sedimentary rocks are formed when pre-existing rocks, minerals, or organic material undergo weathering, erosion, transportation, and deposition. These sediments then undergo compaction and cementation to form solid rock layers.

What class of sedimentary rocks is made of fragments of rock minerals and shells?

== == Clastic sedimentary rocks.