

Best Answer

Mica. It works well, it is not harmful to the skin, and it is inexpensive.

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Q: What mineral is ground up to add sparkle to cosmetics?
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What May be ground up to add sparkle to paints and cosmetics?


How do you dress for a Navy wedding?

Well i personally think you should get a navy dress and add a bit of sparkle to it maybe a sparkle bag or headband.

Can you add sparkle dust to icing?

Yes, you can add sparkle/lustre dust to buttercream or royal icing. Simply add a little and mix well to create a shimmer. I have done this several times and unless you have a small amount of icing you will need a lot of the dust to really be able to see it.

If a horse is lacking mineral's what can you do to add more mineral's to its diet?

buy mineral suppliments to add to ur horses feed and by salt/mineral licks to put in ur horses paddock.

What property of diamond makes it sparkle?

Diamond's sparkle is due to its high refractive index and dispersion of light. When light enters a diamond, it is slowed down and bent at different angles, causing the white light to be separated into its spectral colors, creating the brilliance and fire that diamonds are known for.

How do you make snow for your Christmas tree?

I use cotton wool and white glue, i also add a sparkle of glitter

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If you horse is lacking mineral what do you add to it's diet?

You add a salt lick to its diet.

How do you retain mineral rights?

In your deed you add the following phrase Grantor reserves all mineral interest or excepting all mineral interest

What was the world like before cosmetics?

Beautiful. Seriously, natural is SO much better. Cosmetics just come to hid up blemishes and add a bit of colour and lengthen our lashes, but really, who are we kidding?

What exactly does strawberry cosmetics do?

Strawberry cosmetics sells brand name cosmetics such as High Beam , Benefit, Mac, etc at low prices. Often as much as 50% off. However, you don't add items to your cart and do traditional online ordering. You have to email them to order and they try to find it for you.