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:p youis stupid if ya'll don't know don"t know

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Q: What minerals are used in your everyday life?
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How are metamorphic used in everyday life?

rocks and minerals

Examples of minerals used in everyday life?

tabe salt, talc, and a sapphire if there are any others tell me

How are rocks useful in everyday life?

rocks and minerals

What are some good brands of everyday minerals?

Everyday Minerals is actually a brand of makeup and beauty products. Some of the best Everyday Minerals products are Everyday Minerals Black Eyeliner, Everyday Minerals Finishing Dust, and Everyday Minerals EM Press Kit. Everyday Minerals makes blusher, bronzer, bar soap, bath products and many other beauty products.

When is ozone used in everyday life?

Ozone is used in everyday life. It is used in water filters.

What are some ways plutonium is used in everyday life?

Plutonium is not used in everyday life.

Do you use polonium in everyday life?

No, polonium is not commonly used in everyday life. It is a radioactive element that is primarily used in scientific research and certain niche industrial applications, such as anti-static devices and nuclear batteries.

What is plutonium used for in everyday life?

Plutonium is primarily used in nuclear reactors to produce energy and in nuclear weapons for military purposes. It is not commonly used in everyday life due to its highly radioactive and toxic nature.

Where do you bump into curium in your everyday life?

Curium is not used in everyday life.

How are ldrs used in everyday life?

Ldrs are used in everyday life as solar panels.

How is infrared radiation is used in everyday life?

Infrared radiation is used in everyday life in various ways, such as in remote controls for electronic devices like TVs, in night vision goggles for military and law enforcement, and in thermal imaging cameras for detecting heat leaks in buildings or monitoring body temperature in medical settings.

How is emeralds used in everyday life?

how are emeralds use in everyday life