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The molecules that are in the solid left behind after sea water is distilled and liquid is boiled off is sea salt. This is mostly NaCl but contains some other elements.

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3w ago

The solid left behind after distilling sea water is primarily salt, predominantly sodium chloride. Other dissolved salts and minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium ions, may also be present in smaller amounts along with trace elements.

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7y ago

Water is evaporated from sea water; sodium chloride remain as a solid residue.

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Q: What molecules are in the solid left behind after sea water is distilled and liquid is boiled off?
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How is drinking water made from sea water by distillation?

When sea water is boiled only the water turns to steam, the salt is left behind. Then when the steam condenses back into liquid you get clean, distilled water that is safe, if a bit bland to drink.

Is distilled water the same as distillation?

Boiled water is not the same as distilled water. Distilled water is boiled until it turns to steam, as the steam cools the water is recollected, so what you have is pure water. Boiled water is boiled just until it is sterilized and bacteria has been removed.

What kind of change happens to water when it is boiled?

When water is boiled, it is converted from a liquid state to a gaseous state. This process is called vaporization. The water molecules gain enough energy to break free from the liquid phase and form water vapor.

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As pentane is boiled, the intermolecular bonds between molecules of pentane are broken. This makes pentane molecules free to move as they please and expand to fill any volume.

When water is boiled the water changes from?

When water is boiled, it changes from a liquid to a gas.

What kind of change happens to water when is boiled?

physical changeIn gas phase the molecules take more room, move fasterover (1000 times) longer distances before collating to other molecules as compaired to liquid.

What type of matter is distilled water?

Distilled water is a type of matter known as a compound. It is made up of water molecules, which consist of two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom.

What is scientific reason between boiled and non boiled egg?

Boiling (or cooking an egg by any process) triggers crosslinkages between the protein molecules in the egg, solidifying it. A boiled egg can be spun and can stay spinning because it is solid throughout. A non boiled egg cannot be spun, it stops almost immediately because the liquid inside stays stationary and because of friction between the shell and the liquid.

What is the difference between pure and distilled water?

Pure water refers to water that is free from contaminants and impurities, while distilled water is a type of pure water that has been boiled and then condensed back into a liquid to remove impurities and minerals. Both pure and distilled water are suitable for drinking, but distilled water may lack some essential minerals that pure water naturally contains.

What are some uses of distillation?

Distillation is used to remove a low boiling liquid from a higher boiling liquid or solid. Water can be distilled out of salt water to leave the salts behind. Gasoline is distilled out of crude oil. Seam distillation can also be used, for example to distill clove oil out of cloves.

What some uses of distilation?

Distillation is used to remove a low boiling liquid from a higher boiling liquid or solid. Water can be distilled out of salt water to leave the salts behind. Gasoline is distilled out of crude oil. Seam distillation can also be used, for example to distill clove oil out of cloves.

The change from a liquid to a gaseous state?

The change from a liquid to a gaseous state is called evaporation. During evaporation, molecules gain enough energy to escape from the liquid phase and become gas molecules. This process occurs at the surface of the liquid.