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Q: What monster was outside the city of Thebes and asked for the answer to a riddle for safe passage into the city?
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Why does the Sphinx destroy Thebes in 'Oedipus Rex'?

The Sphinx does not destroy the city of Thebes in "Oedipus Rex."Specifically, the monster sets up camp outside the city and forces everyone coming and going to answer a seemingly unanswerable riddle. Those who have no answer are killed by her. But Oedipus comes along and solves the riddle before the Sphinx can devour every last Theban or destroy the city.

What does Oedipus free Thebans from in 'Oedipus Rex'?

The Sphinx is what Oedipus frees Thebans from in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. -- 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the Sphinx appears outside Thebes after Theban King Laius goes to consult the Delphic oracle and never returns. She makes a monster out of herself by killing and eating all incoming/outgoing Thebans who cannot answer her riddle. Oedipus figures out the riddle, inspires the Sphinx to commit suicide, and thereby frees Thebes.

Who was the hero who answer the riddle of the sphinx?

Oedipus, who became the King of Thebes.

Why did they make the sphinx?

because it gives Thebes respect as of th riddle.

Who was the Hero that answered the riddle of the sphinx?

Oedipus, who became the King of Thebes.

How did Oedipus bring the city of Thebes fortune in the book Oedipus Rex?

by answering the riddle of the sphinx and saving Thebes from the rule of the sphinx.

What happened if you knew the riddle of the Sphinx?

Oedipus knew and was made King of Thebes.

What great service did Oedipus provide the city when he first arrived in thebes?

He answered the riddle of the Sphinx, thus freeing Thebes from the rule of the Sphinx and allowing Thebes to once again prosper.

Monster who torments with a riddle?


Why did the citizens of Thebes make Oedipus the king?

The Sphinx was holding Thebes captive until someone answered it's riddle. Desperate for relief, Creon offers whoever can answer the riddle the hand of his sister Jocasta, recently widowed. Oedipus comes along and solves the riddle, earning himself the throne.

What skill does Oedipus have that he is proud of?

The fact that he solved the riddle that the sphinx troubled the city of Thebes with.

What do the of Thebes want Oedipus to do for them?

If I remember correctly, Thebes was being threatened by a Sphinx and no one had been able to answer the riddle it required to leave them alone. Anyone who attempted to answer and failed was killed by the Sphinx. Oedipus said he would try to answer the riddle because he wanted to free the people of Thebes and obtain the reward the king was offering.