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Q: What moon phase is mostly visible during the day?
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Why is the moon not visible during the new moon phase?


Is more of the Moon's surface visible during a new moon?

No. None of the lunar surface is visible from Earth during the New Moon phase.

What phase of the moon is most visible during the day?

Full Moon, of course.

What moon phase is visible during a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse happens during a full moon

What phase is the moon in when it is not visible from Earth?

New Moon Phase

What is phase is the moon in when it is visible from earth?

New Moon Phase

The amount of lighted side of the moon you can see is the same during?

All of the Moon's lighted side is visible during the full moon.

When the moon is not visible from earth what phase is it in?

new moon

What is the phase of the moon when it is not visible from earth?

New Moon

When was the moon visible during the day in Chicago in 1950 and what phase was it in?

During the entire year of 1950, the Moon was certainly visible during the day during parts of it. Over the course of a year, the Moon goes through all of its phases 12 1/2 times.

Which of these is the first visible phase of the moon?

The waxing crescent is the first phase after the new moon.

What describes the moon when less of its lightened portion is visible each night?

That would mean that the moon is in its waning phase. The light will be "swallowed" from the left to the right until it becomes a new moon, where it will begin is waxing phase. During the waxing phase, more and more of the moon is visible until it reaches the full moon, where the cycle repeats again.