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the value of people and the way they change over time

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The Pardoner wants the audience to draw the moral lesson that greed is the root of all evil. He emphasizes the destructive nature of greed and warns against the consequences of indulging in this sin. The Pardoner uses his tale as a means to manipulate and control his audience by exploiting their fears about the consequences of sinful behavior.

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Q: What moral does the pardoner want us to draw from his tale?
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What moral does the pardoners tale want us to draw from this tale?

The moral of "The Pardoner's Tale" is that greed is the root of all evil. The tale warns against the destructive power of greed and the consequences that come with it. It cautions against the pursuit of wealth at the expense of moral values.

What moral does chaucer want us to draw from the pardoners tale?

Chaucer seems to suggest that greed and hypocrisy can lead to downfall, as seen through the Pardoner's deceitful actions and manipulative nature. The tale serves as a warning against the destructive effects of avarice and the dangers of placing material wealth above spiritual values.

Why does the pardoner begin his tale with references to dancing girls of ill repute only to move on to the story about greed?

The Pardoner starts his tale with references to dancing girls of ill repute to grab the audience's attention and set a sordid tone. This contrasts with the moral lesson on greed that he intends to deliver in his story, creating a jarring juxtaposition that highlights the hypocrisy of his own character. It also serves to demonstrate the power of storytelling and manipulation in conveying a moral message.

Why does the pardoner begin his tale with the references to dancing girls of ill repute only to move on to a story about greed that never mentions them again?

The pardoner does a "bait and switch" in order to comment on his listeners' dishonesty about what they really want.

What does the gold in the Pardoner's Tale symbolize?

In the Pardoner's Tale, the gold symbolizes greed and material wealth. It represents the sinful desire for worldly possessions that can lead to corruption and moral decay, as shown by the three rioters who eventually kill each other over the gold.

Why does the pardoner begin his tale with references to dancing-girls of ill repute only to move on to a story about a greed that never mentions them again?

He does a "bait and switch" in order to comment on his listeners' dishonesty about what they really want.

What is the classification of the pardoner in Canterbury Tales?

The Pardoner in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales is classified as one of the three deceivers in the group of pilgrims. He is depicted as a corrupt church official who preaches against sin while being guilty of the sins he denounces. He is characterized by his greed, manipulation, and his ability to deceive others for personal gain.

Which excerpt from the text best represents the dominant moral of The Monks Tale?

The dominant moral of The Monk's Tale is exemplified in the line, "Change comes whether we want it or not, and we must be prepared to face the consequences with grace and humility." This reflects the overarching theme of the transient nature of life and the necessity of accepting and adapting to its challenges.

Why are the three young rioters looking for death in the pardoner tale?

The three young rioters in "The Pardoner's Tale" are looking for death because they are motivated by greed and a desire for vengeance. They want to seek out and kill Death, whom they blame for taking the lives of their friends. However, their quest ultimately leads to their own demise as they are deceived and end up killing each other.

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Krill are just like shrimp, so draw shrimp.

Why would Chaucer want to put distance between himself and his characterization of the Pardoner?

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