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Horses have extremely mobile ears - they can move in almost any direction. Horses in the wild use their ears to help detect predators, and even though domestic horses don't need to do that, they still use their ears to tune into the environment around them, so generally, wherever their ears are pointed, that's what they're paying attention to - so if they're keeping an ear on you, that's a sign that they're paying attention to what you're doing! In addition, horses use their ears to express feelings. A happy, alert horse will have his ears pointed forward. An upset horse will have them about halfway back, and a frightened or angry horse will pin them back so they're almost flat against his head.

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It depends. Horses can use their ears to listen, in which case their ears follow the sounds. Horses also use their ears, among other body language, to show their mood.

When a horses ears are pinned onto his neck, it means he's angry, unless he is running, in which case it could also mean that he is fully exerting himself. If they are flopping to the side, most commonly seen when his head is low, his foot is cocked and/or his eyes are half or totally closed he is relaxed. If they are pointed erect in one direction, especially if his head is up high and he is kind of frozen, he sees/hears/smells something suspicious over there, and is on full alert to see if it is life threatening. If they are casually flicking about, he is just listening for anything scary, but is not very worried. Horses may also move their ears a little bit to shake off flies.

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If a horses ears slanted backward it means it is?

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What does it mean when horses ears are slarnted backwrads?

having their ears pinned back is a horses way of showing aggrevation or annoyance. Unless there are flies, then they may be trying to prevent that. But mostly not a good thing when your horses ears are back

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The knobby area on top of a horses' head and between the ears is called the poll.

What is it called when you shave off the bit of mane behind the horses ears?

You must be referring to the "bridle path" just behind the horses ears that most rides shave or cut off in order to make room for halters and of course bridles. i hope i helped