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In the 'land of Moriah' on 'one of the mountains' (Genesis 22:2). Evidence places Jerusalem's temple in the same area (2 Chronicles 3:1/ 2 Samuel 24:25 / 1 Chronicles 21:18) and Jewish tradition places it on the same mountain where Abraham began his sacrifice . The 'Dome of the Rock' Muslim temple is now said to be built on this site.

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God spoke to Abraham on Mount Moriah, where He tested Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac. This event is a significant moment in The Bible, demonstrating Abraham's obedience and trust in God.

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14y ago

Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac on Mt Moriah (the temple Mt)

but the order itself wasn't given on the mountain.


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Mount Sinai

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Q: What mountain did god speak to Abraham?
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Who was the first person to speak to God?

The first person to speak to God in the Bible is usually considered to be Abraham. God initiated a conversation with Abraham in Genesis 12, which began their ongoing dialogue throughout the Book of Genesis.

Why did God called Abraham righteous?

God called Abraham righteous because of his faith and obedience. Abraham trusted in God's promises, demonstrated by his willingness to leave his homeland and obey God's commands, such as when he was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac. This faith and obedience showed Abraham's righteousness before God.

How did Abraham sacrifice his son?

In the story from the Bible and the Quran, God tested Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrifice his son, Isaac/Ishmael. Abraham demonstrated his faith and obedience by preparing to sacrifice his son, but at the last moment, God provided a ram as a substitute. This act is seen as a demonstration of Abraham's ultimate trust in God.

Symbol of gods covenant with Abraham?

The symbol of God's covenant with Abraham is circumcision, which was the physical sign of the covenant between God and Abraham's descendants. This practice was to be continued throughout generations as a reminder of God's promises to Abraham and his descendants.

How did Abraham know God?

Abraham knew God through his faith. In the book of Genesis, God spoke to Abraham and made a covenant with him, establishing a relationship based on trust and obedience. Abraham demonstrated his faith through his actions, such as leaving his homeland and willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac.

Related questions

Why did Abraham take Isacc to the mountain?

He took his son to the mountain because God told him to. It was a test to see if Abraham would obey God. Once there, God told Abraham to kill Isaac. As Abraham was about to kill Isaac, God said "Stop, you have proven yourself to me"!

Why did Abraham speak against God?

He didn't - He spoke for God and to God, but not against Him. He believed in God and God counted it unto him for righteousness. The book of Genesis tells Abraham's story and the Book of Romans speaks lots of Abraham's faith in God's promise and covenant.

What is the relationship between the mountain where God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son and the mountain where Jesus was crucified?

Mount Moriah where the temple stood and where Calvary was located, and where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac is the same limestone mountain.

Where did god test Abraham?

God tested abraham, as he told him to sacrifice Issac on mount Moriah.

According to Jewish tradition why did God bring Abraham into His covenant?

God created the world for righteousness, not just for eating, going to work and sleeping. There were righteous people before Abraham's time, but not one of them came near to his superlative level of piety (Talmud, Avot ch.5). Only after Abraham had served God for many decades, did God speak to him and bring him into His covenant.See also the Related Links.1) A biography of Abraham2) Jewish history timeline

Why did Abraham tell his servants he and Isaac were going up the mountain alone?

God had asked him as a test of faith to sacrifice his son, and Abraham was obeying by faith - knowing God could raise him again - but was not required to carry it out.

When did Abraham of the High Mountain die?

Abraham of the High Mountain died in 406.

Moses in the mountain in exodus?

Moses went to Mount Sinai to speak to God, and collect the ten commandments.

Why is Mt Horeb called the mountain of God?

according to the bible means¨ a place for communion and companionship¨ this is the first time God spoke to abraham. Raúl Fuentes. from Mexico.greeatings God Bless you all.

When God promises Abraham that his progeny will live in the land of Israel as Abraham and his progeny worship God and follow his laws this is known as the?

It is called the "Covenant"-- the promise Abraham made with God, and God made with Abraham.

Why god chose only Abraham in the old days?

God chose Abraham because of God saw Abraham was worthy of a blessing and he had a clean heart.

Who was the first person to speak to God?

The first person to speak to God in the Bible is usually considered to be Abraham. God initiated a conversation with Abraham in Genesis 12, which began their ongoing dialogue throughout the Book of Genesis.