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Ural Mountains

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Q: What mountain range separates the northern European plain from the west Siberian plain?
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The mountain range that separates the northern European and west Siberian plains?

The Ural Mountains separate the northern European and west Siberian plains. They extend around 2,500 km from the Arctic Ocean to the Ural River. The range forms a natural boundary between Europe and Asia.

What natural landmark separates the northern European and west Siberian plains?

The Ural Mountains separate the northern European and west Siberian plains. They form a natural boundary between Europe and Asia.

Which great mountain chain separates the Northern European Plain from the West Siberian Plain and forms the dividing line between Europe and Asia?

The Ural Mountains separate the Northern European Plain from the West Siberian Plain and serve as the traditional boundary between Europe and Asia. The range extends from the Arctic Ocean to the Ural River in Kazakhstan.

What are Russia's two main plains?

northern European plain and west Siberian plain

What is an example of a mountain ridge that separates river systems?

The Continental Divide of the Americas is an example of a mountain ridge that separates river systems. Further examples include Northern Divide or Laurentian Divide.

What mountain range separates the northern edge of the Sahara Desert from the coast line?

The Atlas Mountains

Which mountain separates the northern edge of the Sahara Desert from the coastline?

The Atlas Mountains are the ones you are looking for.

Do Siberian tigers climb trees?

Yes they do because they live in northern china

What is the mountain range that separates Romania and Bulgaria?

Its the Danube river and Danube plain separates Romania and Bulgaria. There are no mountaneous border between the mentioned two countries. And Carpathian mountain range of Romnia or Balkan mountain range (most northern mountains of Bulgaria: none of them serves as border.

What is the name of line that separates northern?

The line that separates the northern and southern hemispheres is called the equator.

Is southern Asia more mountainous or northern?

Northern Asia because it's mostly Russia's Siberian Plateau.

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