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Rose Courtney has: Played Sherry in "The Guiding Light" in 1952. Played Janice in "The Guiding Light" in 1952. Played Beverly Foncillas in "As the World Turns" in 1956. Played Beverly Wagner in "Ghost Stories" in 1997. Played Gallery Curator in "Artemin Goldberg: Custom Tailor of Brassieres" in 2000. Performed in "Private Hunting Grounds" in 2004. Played Gavin Burton in "Whigmaleerie" in 2005. Played Mary Ann in "Gestation" in 2005. Played Victoria Prodes in "Cleansing" in 2009. Played Zanny White in "The Exhibit" in 2010.

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Courtney Rose has: Played Jessica in "Chiaroscuro" in 2009. Played Helen in "Convergence" in 2009. Played Pigtails Girl in "The Presentation" in 2010. Played Tommy in "Spoiled Rotten" in 2011. Played Cissy Temperelli in "Storage Town" in 2011. Played Courtney Rose in "Courtney Rose" in 2011. Played Emily in "Let the Games Begin" in 2011. Played Tag Child in "Letting Madison Go" in 2011. Played Jenny Hawkins in "Backroad" in 2012. Played Cassie in "My Holiday Project" in 2012. Played Penelope in "Retribution" in 2013. Played Aparition in "My Time to Die" in 2014.

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Q: What movie and television projects has Courtney Rose been in?
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