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Rocket Man with Harland Williams and Jessica Lundy, 1997.

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Sounds like you might be talking about the Harland Williams movie Rocketman.

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15y ago

Rocket man! Rocket man!

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Q: What movie does the actors fart in their spacesuits on mars?
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Does Mars have day and night?

mars does not have day and night and an faboulous interesting fact mars can fart in a year mars farts 779 times

What modifications would be needed for a human to live on mars?

you would need to have spacesuits to go outside and life-support systems in your house.

Is mars safe for humans?

Mars is not currently safe for humans to live on due to its harsh environment, including extreme temperatures, radiation exposure, and lack of breathable air. Any human missions to Mars would require advanced technology and infrastructure to ensure the safety and well-being of astronauts.

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there is no atmosphere so we would not be able to leave spacesuits and the gravity is not as great as it is on earth so i dont know how the buildings will stay down

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Since the planet Mars does not have a breathable atmosphere, any humans wishing to move about on Mars would have to wear spacesuits. Although the surface gravity is lower than that of the Earth, it is only slightly lower, so that would not affect the way people could move.

What movie has Mars been in?

Mars has been featured in numerous movies, such as "The Martian" (2015) starring Matt Damon, "John Carter" (2012) based on the Barsoom series by Edgar Rice Burroughs, and "Total Recall" (1990) where Mars plays a central role in the storyline.

What is Bruno Mars' favourite movie?

bruno the movie

Which of the actors are going to be in the veronica mars movie?

The actors that appeared in the Veronica Mars movie are Kristen Bell as Veroica Mars, Jason Dohrin as Logan Echolls, Ryan Hansen as Dick Casablancas, Francis Capra as Weevil, Percy Daggs III as Wallace, Chris Lowell as Piz, Tina Majorino as Mac, Enrico Colantoni as Keith Mars and Daran Norris as Cliff McCormack. Jerry O'COnnell plays the role of Sheriff Dan Lamb, the brother of the late Sheriff Don Lamb who died during the TV series.

What is Bruno Mars's favorite movie?

Bruno Mars has never explicitly stated for the public what his favorite movie is.

What is the name of that movie where an astronaut and his monkey are surviving on mars?

Robinson Crusue on Mars..

What comedy movie title contains the word Mars?

Mars Attacks! (1996)

What was the name of the movie that Bruno mars starred in impersonating Elvis Presley?

Bruno Mars never played in a movie and impersonated Elvis Presley.