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Q: What movie is it where some guys make their own college?
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How much did the jackass guys get paid?

no money for making it, they make get some profits from the movie selling but the things they do is purley voulentary.

What is the mane of a movie where 3 guys fall in a whole and some how they get powers?

the movie your looking for is Chronicle

Do guys like to make cookies?

Some do.

What is the 80s movie where some guys make a bet about sleeping with some girl and the geek wins One of the male characters is called mother?

nevermind my husband found it its Fraternity Vacation

Do guys prefer if you make the first move?

Some guys want girls to make the first move but those are the guys that are cocky and only want to have a lot of girls after them. Guys are more into the chase.

What was that one movie where the bug went under some black guys skin?

The mummy

Does Zac Efron have guy friends?

He has two types of male friends, guys from his hometown, some of whom migrated to L.A. to attend college, and guys he has worked with on his various movie projects. He mentions having his guy friends at his house, playing video games and ping pong, and he sometimes goes camping with them.

Can guys make clothes?

Of course they can. With enough practice anyone can make clothes. Warning: Some people think that if guys are designers they might be gay.

If you are a girl is it bad to watch lesbians?

Not if their in a movie. Some guys enjoy when girls watch movies.

How much makeup do guys like on girls?

Some guys like make-up but not alot, and other guys like no make-up at all, so if you want to wera make up don't put on too much.

What movie is with some bad guys hostage a family in house and the son protects them and beats the bad guys with tricks and tools and it is not Home Alone?

home and alone

Where do you make a webkinz movie?

You have to buy the studio first then you can make a webkinz movie. Too make a movie at home, you can get some webkinz, make a backround if you want, and film it. Its pretty easy. but yeah, on webkinz world, to make a movie you need to buy the movie studio, some movie sets, and movie characters. Then you can make a webkinz movie