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I'm not entirely sure if this is the film you are looking for but I'm guessing Con Air, starring Nicolas Cage, John Malkovich and John Cusack.

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Q: What movie is the scene where someone flicks a cigarette to light the other person on fire from?
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Would it be better to light a cigarette for someone or to hand them the lighter and let them do it?

Just listen to what they are asking. If they ask you for a light, light it for them. If they ask you for a lighter or a match hand them your lighter.

What is something that someone on the sidewalk might ask for other than money?

food, directions, cigarette/light, ride, the time

How do you operate a cigarette lighter?

you open it and then light the cigarette by farting on it 3 times

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Are ultra light cigarettes better for you than light cigarettes?

No; a light or ultra light cigarette is not any safer than a regular cigarette. Studies have found that smokers will compensate for the type of cigarette (i.e., inhaling longer on a light or ultra light cigarette) ultimately receiving the same amount of nicotine.

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tell me where to find the cigarette light fuse

What do you light a cigarette with?

You can light a cigarette with almost any fire, but the intended item to use for this is called a cigarette lighter. Cigarette lighters may use lighter fluid or butane, and some are electric like those in cars or mounted on walls in older buildings.

What are the release dates for Moth to Light - 2007?

Moth to Light - 2007 was released on: USA: 13 January 2007 (Southern Fried Flicks Film Festival)

Light ciggarate in India?

There is no information suggesting you cannot light a cigarette in India.

How do you make a smoker costume?

Light a cigarette and stand there.

Are cigarettes made with butane?

No, cigarettes are not made with butane. Cigarettes are typically made from tobacco leaves that are treated and processed, then rolled into a cylindrical shape. Butane is a highly flammable gas that is not used in the production of cigarettes.

What is the exact meaning of guiding light?

A guiding light is someone who a person admires very much. A guiding light would have had an important influence on a persons life. It is someone who is an inspiration to others.