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Osmosis jones!!!!!!

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Q: What movie was it where there was a blue colored cop and he was like a blood cell or something and he was to keep the guy he was inside of safe. I think it was a Disney movie. first answer gets best?
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Related questions

What is something inside the bones and makes your blood?

bone marrow is presented inside the bone. made from white blood cells.

Why are there two brightly colored plies of nylon inside a safety strap?

The bright colorsand are called blood lines. It let's you know when the strap is no longer safe to use.

Are they still playing wolf blood on Disney channel?

No, it was never on Disney channel.

What is the cause of black colored blood?


How can you believe people have white blood?

There is no way people can have white colored blood.

What could cause the navel to leak blood.I have no piercing and had surgery 6 years ago to remove my gall bladder.I have been having pain around my navel for months now leaking light colored blood.?

it could be something ruptured inside of your body... see a doctor ASAP. :) goodluck!

What is inside bones?

Inside a bone is something call bone marrow which is made up of red blood cells . Bones are made out of calcium and phosphorus.

What is the straw-colored liquid in the blood?

It is the color BLUE.

What is straw colored liquid in blood?

It is the color BLUE.

What color is a jaguar's blood?

Jaguars have the same red colored blood that all mammals do.

What does dark colored blood mean?

Blood is a lighter color when carrying oxygen and darken when carrying carbon dioxide. If the blood was dark, it was probably carrying carbon dioxide at the time it was taken. If it's black, it's polluted with something or your kidneys/liver are having problems.

What color tube used for anemia?

If your asking about what colored tubes blood is taken in, it's usually purple or lavender colored for CBC's (complete blood count). If you need blood, a Pink or larger purple/lavender top will be drawn for Blood Bank matching.