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Q: What muscle fibers do you use in shot put?
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What painful muscle condition can result if you use a muscle too much and tear muscle fibers?

A muscle strain can result from overuse of a muscle and tearing of muscle fibers.

How muscular system can grow strong?

Through use. The current thought is that using a muscle to fatigue creates little tears in the muscle fibers, that then heal over a few days, creating more muscle fibers, and more fibers means more strength.

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Why don't we use all of our muscle fibers at once?

We don't use all our muscle fibers in a particular muscle all at once because they get damaged when we use them. If the muscle becomes weak, then it hinders the ability to continue with using the muscle making it difficult for our human survival. At times it is possible to use all the muscle fibers (and many have been documented) at once but only possible for very short instances as it requires lots of energy which is stored in the muscle. The muscle will often break down after the action where it may not be possible for the muscle to be used (at least not at normal strength) for several weeks even months. Its a subconscious effect and will not be possible for a person to do it consciously.

Can you convert swimming laps into walking steps?

no, within your muscles are slow and quick twitch muscle fibers, activities such as running and walking use quick twitch muscle fibers while swimming uses slow twitch muscle fibers

What animal would you consider to traditionally use slow twitch muscle fibers?

- A turtle.

When a muscle is not used and it grows smaller that is called?

Disuse of a muscle causes atrophy, which is a shrinking of muscle fibers leading to weakness. With use, the atrophy can be reversed.

Compare slow oxidative to fast glycolytic muscles fibers?

Slow twitch: These muscle fibers are also known as Type 1. Slow twitch muscle fibers are generally fatigue resistant and have a high capacity for aerobic energy supply, but they have limited potential for rapid force development. They are red because all of the blood that goes through them due to their high level capillarizention. They are not easily injured and they can handle extreme amount of work and do not fatigue easily. Slow twitch muscle fibers rely on oxygen as their main energy source. These muscle fibers contract slowly and can be used for longer periods of time before they fatigue. Therefore, slow twitch fibers are great at helping athletes run marathons and bicycle for hours.Fast glycolytic: Fast glycolytic or Type 2b are also fast twitch white muscle fibers but these muscle fibers have a very low tolarance to fatigue and need a high period of recovry after use. However, they are extremely powerful and explosive fibers and are the ones involved in activities like power lifting, the pitch of a baseball, javelin throwing, shot putting, the beginning of a sprint, etc.

What exercise best represents the use of red muscle fibers?

Basically the time under stress brings in red muscle or the slow twitch fibers into action. If the movement is controlled and the set goes longer the red fibers are used.. If the movement is explosive and heavy then the white fibers are used. For example squatting for 15 rep range incorporates red fibers of the thighs very well

What is the name of the muscle that works for a long time?

It is not the muscle but the muscle fiber which works for when recruited for long duration. The red muscle fiber or the slow twitch fiber gets recruited for long term stress on the muscle for example if you do bench press on heavy weight explosively for 5 reps you extensively use fast twitch fibers but if you do bench flys for 15 reps in controlled fashion, you extensively use red fibers.

What type of exercise do we use Fast twitch muscle fibers?

Strength and power exercise like weight lifting requires the explosive release of energy yielded by fast-twitch muscle fibers. Slow-twitch muscles are involved in endurance activity.

When might you use slow-oxidative fiber and when do you use fast-glycolytic fibers?

Slow Oxidative: These muscle fibers twitch at a very slow rate and are very resistant to fatigue. The peak force exerted by these muscles is also very low. Slow muscle fibers have a lot of oxidative enzymes but they are low in ATP activity. Slow oxidative fibers are used for aerobic activities Fast-glycolytic fibers: Some muscle fibers can contract at a fast rate and produce a large peak force while being resistant to tiring even after many cycles. These fibers are have a large ATP activity and are high in oxidative and glycolytic enzymes. These fibers are used for anaerobic activities that need to be sustained over prolonged intervals of time.