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The Rhomboids.

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Q: Muscle that pull the scapulae medially?
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What is the antagonist muscle of the Levator Scapulae?

The serratus anterior is one, and the lower trapezius muscles are the others. The SA muscles pull the scapulae downward and anteriorly while the lower traps pull downward and medially.

What pulls the scapulae medially?

Middle trapezius

Small rectangular muscle that rotate the glenoid cavity of the scapulae inferiorly?

downward Rotation (Inferior Rotation) Rotary movement of the scapula; moving inferior angle of scapula medially and downward.Levator scapulaeRhomboidsPectoralis minorPectoralis majorLatissimus dorsi

What muscle pulls the scapula medially?

a combined contraction of the levator scapulae, rhomboid major and minor muscles and the latissimus dorsi muscle.I would narrow this answer down to the Rhomboid Muscles-Luceinrhomboids

What muscle rotates the arm medially?

The "Subscapularis" This muscle rotates the arm medially (sub = below, scapulo = shoulderblade)

What muscle rotates the neck?

Levator scapulae

What muscle turns the eye inferior and medially?

The superior oblique muscle turns the eye inferiorly and medially. It is innervated by the trochlear nerve.

What is the action of the levitor scapulae muscle?

Raises the scapula at the Scapulothoracic Joint or inclines neck to corresponding side if the scapula is fixed

Turns the eye medially?

Eye movements are accomplished by the Extraocular Muscles. The muscle that moves the eye medially is the Medial Rectus.

What muscle is the prime mover for shoulder abduction?

Trapezius and Levator Scapulae

What deep muscle protract the scapula during punching?

levator scapulae

What is the muscle that pulls the scapula medially?

The subscapularis muscle medially rotates the scapula. The muscle is innervated by the upper and lower subscapular nerves.