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That is something your surgeon and anesthesiologist should decide. DO NOT take any medications before your surgery without your doctors knowledge, as you may end up spending the rest of your life in a coma.

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Q: What muscle relaxers are best to use during surgery and why?
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muscle relaxers work best

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If you have a herniated disc, the treatments include over the counter medications, narcotics, nerve pain medications, muscle relaxers, and cortisone injections. Physical therapy may be an option and if that doesn't work, surgery.

What is the best relaxers for brown hair?

You do not buy relaxers based on the colour of your hair.

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i hope that this site can help you with your question best wishes

What is the best relaxer for black hair?

The best relaxers or Affirm, Mizani, and Phytospecific. All three are expensive, and I cant seem to find them anywhere but a salon. For at home relaxers, I don't know but do go with Motions.

For abdominal surgery what site would you recommend fot the incision in order to cut across as few muscle fibers as possible?

The site of the surgery depends upon the nature of surgery and should best be left for the Surgeon to decide

What muscle relaxant is best used for neuropathy. which muscle relaxant used with a narcotic pain killer is the best for controlling neuropathic pain?

its not a muscle relaxer per sae! but lyrica(pregabalin) is the best for neuropathic pain also lyrica has a synergystic effect with most opiate painkillers as do all common benzodiadapines which are a type of muscle relaxant such as diazepam(vallium), midazolam(dormicum), lorazepam(ativan). or, out and out muscle relaxers which will work better with narcotics because they will still carry incidance of synergystic effects but offer less sedation and more relaxation, the most potant muscle relaxer/antispasmotic is baclofen.

What is the best hair relaxer?

The best relaxers brand are up to you. There are some good relaxers but you need to get one that works well on your hair and hair type. Cocoa Keratin Kit is a good quality hair relaxer but in general no base chemical relaxers are the choice of Salons professionals because they are much more gentle on the hair and scalp.

What is the pH level of design essential hair relaxers?

Which of their relaxers are you asking abt? You're best bet is to contact them at 770-981-8722 for more information. They've been very helpful to me!

What type of antihertensive drug is best before surgery?

There does not appear to be a significant difference between drugs when they are used for blood pressure reduction during surgery.

Why is the best way to stop relaxing hair?

If your hair is relaxed enough, then you don't have to use relaxers any more in it.

How soon after bunion surgery can you weight bare on the operated foot?

Opinions may vary depending upon what was done during surgery. Best person to ask is the Surgeon or his team who did the operation