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It is primarily the zygomaticus major and risorius muscles that are responsible for a smile, aided in part by the action of the buccinator :)

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You use the Zygomaticus.

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Q: What muscles do you use to smile?
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Does a frown use the most muscles?

Yes, compare to a "smile"

How many muscles does it take to smile and to frown?

It takes about 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown

When you frown how many muscles you use?

It takes 37 muscles to frown. and 22 muscles to smile. so turn that frown upside down

What takes more of them to frown than smile?

It take more facial muscles to frown than to smile.

Does it take more muscles to swim or smile?

You take very few muscles to smile and many more muscles are used when you swim.

How many muscles do use when you frown?

It takes 37 muscles to frown. and 22 muscles to smile. so turn that frown upside down

When you smile with your cheeks does that have to do with your facial muscles?

Yes, it has to do with facial muscles

How many facial muscles do we use when you laugh?

14 muscles for smiling, and 35 muscles for madness

When you smile and frown what muscles contract?

14 when you smile 43 when you frown

How many mucsles does it take to smile?

This depends on which elements of a smile you are refering to. The act of raising the corners of your mouth is done by three muscles, primarily the zygomaticus major and risorius muscles and aided by the buccinator muscle. If you squint your eyes while you smile you may also use orbicularis oculi. If you scrunch your nose with your smile then you may also use your procerus and nasalis muscle. If your forehead wrinkles and eyebrows raise then your occipitofrontalis helps as well. For someone with a very expressive smile, they are likely using alot of their facial muscles (up to 15, the rest would oppose a smile and cause frowning).

How many facial muscles does it take to show emotion?

It takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 to smile. So smile!

What are the type of muscles that let you smile or frown?

Voluntary striated muscles.