

What must a muscle do to move a bone?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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16y ago

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the muscles are around or next to the bones, the contracting of muscles enables the bones to move. for example the muscles in your arm, when you move your arm up, the muscle underneath the bone contract (tighten) to push the bone upwards.

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15y ago

Muscles pull the bone. Muscles can only contract with any force. It takes the contraction of the opposing muscle to straighten out the previously contracted muscle or gravity. For instance, if you lift a weight with your bicep, gravity can carry your arm back to starting position. If you are laying down then it is your tricep contracting which brings your bicep back to starting position.

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16y ago

1) Have a physical connection to the bone to be moved and another muscle or bone(tendons and ligiments) 2) Contract (or relax, to allow a different muscle to move the bone).

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Tendon! it just connects the bone to the muscle

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the muscles and the bone work together and attached

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no ligaments join bone to bone , also tendons join muscle to bone.

How do you muscles move bones?

In order to work, a skeletal muscle must have both ends connected to he skeleton. The end of a muscle that does not move is called its origin. The other end is attached to the bone it moves, and is called insertion.

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In order to work, a skeletal muscle must have both ends connected to he skeleton. The end of a muscle that does not move is called its origin. The other end is attached to the bone it moves, and is called insertion.

Does a bone move?

No. Bones cannot move, they can only grow. Bones are sort of like a frame - and the muscle fills it in. The muscles are what move - a bone cannot.

What is an example of a skeletal muscle that does not move bone?

Many muscles in the face (for example muscles that move the lips and eyelids) are skeletal muscle but do not move bones.