

Best Answer

bigger space ships like big enough for 100.000 people so you can colonize a new

planets. Also you want to travel faster then light speed and communicate as well.

You also want artificial gravity. And ways of growing plants and animals. And better

ways of defending our self's against radiation, space is a hostile place to be.


Comment from another contributor:

I'm troubled by the notion that space is "a hostile place". The phrase seems to imply

that there are some dark mysterious intelligent forces out there just waiting to get

their hands on us and torture us with noogies and wicked wedgies.

We are human beings ... the current state of the art in a line of new and improved

versions of a product developed to function best in the place where we are, not in

places where we are not.

We don't function at all in space, simply because we were never built for it.

I would not call a paper bag in the trunk of may car "a hostile place" for a fish to be.

It's a dangerous place for him, not because the place feels any animosity towards him,

but just because he was never built for it.

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What work is done in one complete orbit by the earth on a space station that orbits the earth at 375 km above the earth positive?

The work done by the Earth on the space station is zero since the force of gravity is perpendicular to the motion of the space station. This means that there is no displacement in the direction of the force, and thus no work is done.

International space station orbits the air in an approximately circular orbit at a high 375 km above the earth surface in one complete orbit is the work done by the earth on the space station positive?

No, the work done by the Earth on the space station is not positive. The gravitational force between the Earth and the space station acts towards the center of the Earth, which is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the space station. Therefore, the work done by the Earth on the space station is zero because the force and displacement are perpendicular to each other.

In one complete orbit is the work done by the earth on the space station positive negative or zero?

The work done by the Earth on the space station over one complete orbit is zero because the gravitational force is conservative. This means that the work done in moving an object over any closed path is zero.

Infrared astronomy can only be done from space?

Infrared astronomy can also be done from the ground, though it is limited by interference from Earth's atmosphere. Space-based infrared telescopes, such as the Spitzer Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope, provide clearer images by avoiding atmospheric distortion.

Does the international space station have kinetic energy?

Yes to both, relative to Earth, because work was done to lift it in Earth's gravitational field and to impart speed to it.

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How do scientist conduct controlled experiments done in space?

Scientist use robots to search for available forms of life outside of earth. They also use them to explore space itself. Robots such as the mars rover are great examples of how robot are used to explore other plantes and possible life outside of earth in case something were to happen on earth. But its safe to say we're safe for now.

What are astronouts?

Astronauts are people who travel in space.

What year did the Hubble Space Telescope explore Neptune?

Hubble has never "explored" Neptune. It is a telescope in orbit round Earth and from Earth it has "imaged" Neptune. It has done this several times eg 1996 and 1998 (there may be more times!).

What work is done in one complete orbit by the earth on a space station that orbits the earth at 375 km above the earth positive?

The work done by the Earth on the space station is zero since the force of gravity is perpendicular to the motion of the space station. This means that there is no displacement in the direction of the force, and thus no work is done.

International space station orbits the air in an approximately circular orbit at a high 375 km above the earth surface in one complete orbit is the work done by the earth on the space station positive?

No, the work done by the Earth on the space station is not positive. The gravitational force between the Earth and the space station acts towards the center of the Earth, which is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the space station. Therefore, the work done by the Earth on the space station is zero because the force and displacement are perpendicular to each other.

What is an area of space research conducted in space and one conducted from earth?

The research done on the ISS (International Space Station) is conducted in space. It includes growing crystals for technological purposes. Studies performed on the Arecibo radio telescope regarding space are performed on Earth.

What must be done to put a rocket into space outside of an orbit of the earth?

It has to reach escape velocity which on Earth is 11.2 Km per second

In one complete orbit is the work done by the earth on the space station positive negative or zero?

The work done by the Earth on the space station over one complete orbit is zero because the gravitational force is conservative. This means that the work done in moving an object over any closed path is zero.

When earth cools most of the energy transferred from earth's surface to space is transferred by the process?

When Earth cools, most of the energy transferred from Earth's surface to space is done through radiation. The Earth's surface emits infrared radiation, which travels through the atmosphere and out into space. This process of radiative cooling helps to balance the incoming solar energy and maintain Earth's temperature equilibrium.

Infrared astronomy can only be done from space?

Infrared astronomy can also be done from the ground, though it is limited by interference from Earth's atmosphere. Space-based infrared telescopes, such as the Spitzer Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope, provide clearer images by avoiding atmospheric distortion.

Does the international space station have kinetic energy?

Yes to both, relative to Earth, because work was done to lift it in Earth's gravitational field and to impart speed to it.

Why is there space travel and space stations?

Because people have a desire to travel in space and live in space. Science also has a reason to be in space. Many experiment are done in space and the moon landings were an attempt to find out more about the places and things, which are possibly outside of Earth.