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In order for two molecules to react they must:

1) Have sufficient energy to overcome whatever kinetic barrier exists to form a product in a realistic time period. We call this the activation energy.

2) Form a product which is at a lower total energy state than the two initial molecules.

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1w ago

Reactant particles must collide with the correct orientation and sufficient energy in order to overcome the activation energy barrier for a reaction to take place. This collision results in the breaking and rearranging of chemical bonds to form new products.

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11y ago

The chemical bonds between the atoms making up the reactants must be broken and the atoms must be rearranged in order to form new products in the chemical reaction.

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Q: What must happen to reactant particles for a reaction to take place?
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True or False chemical reaction occurs at the same rate no matter what size of the reactant particles?

False. The rate of a chemical reaction can be influenced by the size of the reactant particles. Smaller particles have a larger surface area, allowing for more frequent collisions between particles and therefore potentially increasing the rate of reaction.

Describe the collision theory in relation to reaction rate?

The collision theory states that chemical reactions occur when reactant particles collide with sufficient energy and proper orientation. Reactant particles must overcome the activation energy barrier during collision in order for the reaction to proceed. The frequency of effective collisions between reactant particles influences the reaction rate.

What is the definition of excess reactant?

An excess reactant is a reactant in a chemical reaction that is present in a quantity greater than required for the reaction to take place. It is not completely consumed during the reaction, leaving some of it leftover.

How will decreasing the reactant concentration affect the rate of reaction?

Decreasing the reactant concentration typically leads to a decrease in the rate of reaction, as there are fewer reactant particles available to collide and form products. This reduction in reactant concentration often results in a slower reaction rate due to the fewer collisions taking place.

A reaction is most likely to occur when reactant particles collide with?

Each other with sufficient energy and proper orientation for a chemical reaction to take place. This collision provides the necessary activation energy for the reaction to occur.

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What are 4 things that can affect the rate of a reaction?

Concentration of reactants: Higher concentration typically leads to increased frequency of collisions and faster reaction rates. Temperature: Higher temperatures generally increase reaction rates by providing reactant molecules with more kinetic energy. Catalysts: Catalysts can lower the activation energy required for a reaction, resulting in a faster rate of reaction. Surface area: In reactions involving solids, increasing the surface area of a solid reactant can increase the rate of reaction by exposing more reactive sites.

True or False chemical reaction occurs at the same rate no matter what size of the reactant particles?

False. The rate of a chemical reaction can be influenced by the size of the reactant particles. Smaller particles have a larger surface area, allowing for more frequent collisions between particles and therefore potentially increasing the rate of reaction.

What is one of of the original substances before a chemical reaction takes place?

a reactant

Did a chemical reaction take place if a reactant is smaller?

Yes. If Concentration of a reactant has decreased, that means that that concentration was used in the formation of a product.

Why are carbon monoxide better reducing agent than carbon?

Carbon monoxide is a better reducing agent than carbon because it is more easily oxidized due to its higher tendency to form stable bonds with other elements. The presence of a lone pair on the oxygen atom in carbon monoxide makes it a stronger electron donor compared to carbon, allowing it to more effectively donate electrons during reduction reactions.

If thermal energy must be added to a chemical reaction for the reaction to take place the reaction is a Exothermic b Reactant c Balanced d Endothermic?

d) Endothermic. An endothermic reaction absorbs heat or thermal energy from its surroundings in order to proceed.

Is this sentence true inceasing the surface area of a reactant exposes more of it to the reaction taking place?


Describe the collision theory in relation to reaction rate?

The collision theory states that chemical reactions occur when reactant particles collide with sufficient energy and proper orientation. Reactant particles must overcome the activation energy barrier during collision in order for the reaction to proceed. The frequency of effective collisions between reactant particles influences the reaction rate.

What would increase the concentration of reactants?

It means that there will be more particles of the reactants in the vessel, so they are more crowded and collisions of the right energy are more likely. or collisions of the right energy are more likely.

Why do faster moving particles increase the rate of reaction?

Faster moving particles have more kinetic energy, which increases the likelihood of successful collisions between reactant molecules. This results in more frequent and energetic collisions, leading to a higher rate of reaction.

What happens in a single-replacement reaction-?

One element takes the place of another in a compound.