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Q: What name is given to a reaction that takes in energy from the surroundings?
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A chemical reaction that transfers energy from the reactants to the surroundings is reffered to as?

A chemical reaction that transfers energy from the reactants to the surroundings is referred to as an exothermic reaction. A reaction that takes energy in is endothermic.

What happens in a exothermic reaction?

In an exothermic reaction, heat is released to the surroundings. This typically results in an increase in temperature, and the surroundings feel warm. The reactants have higher energy than the products, and the reaction is often spontaneous.

Chemical reaction that releases energy?

All chemical reactions that release energy in the form of heat are called exothermic reactions.

What is a reaction that absorbs energy?

The type of reaction that absorbs energy is endothermic. This process takes the energy from its surroundings, absorbs it, and creates heat.

Is energy always given out when a chemical reaction takes place?


A chemical reaction that releases energy is called?

Exothermic reactions

A process or reaction which releases heat to the surroundings is said to be?

Reactions that require energy in the form of heat are called endothermic.

Endothermic and exothermic reaction?

An exothermic reaction releases energy, usually to the surroundings. There is a net loss of energy from the reactants. However, exothermic reactions also need a little energy to get started, but this is less than the eventual amount given out. An endothermic reaction takes in energy, also usually from the surroundings. There is a net gain of energy into the reactions. Again, a little energy is lost, but this is hardly anything compared to the amount taken in.

What is it called when energy is released or absorbed during chemical change called?

exothermic reaction When energy is released in a chemical reaction it is called an exergonic reaction. One example of an exergonic reaction is cellular respiration in both plants and animals. It is represented by a negative change in free energy (-∆G). An exothermic reaction is only the release of energy as heat, so the more correct answer would be an exergonic reaction, which is the release of energy.

What is a reaction which takes in energy?


What type of chemical reaction takes in energy?

Endothermic Reaction

What happens when electrons are gained or lost?

Gain or electron means reduction energy is not gained but given off during this and also when oxidation takes place the same thing thing happens' energy is released when a redox reaction takes place(ie both oxidation & reduction)