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Q: What names are used instead of Agnes?
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Did Saint Agnes have a last name?

No, last names were not used until many centuries after Agnes died.

What are St. Agnes's parents named?

There remains no historic record of the names of the parents of St. Agnes.

Girl saint names?

There are several saint names for girls. A few of the names are Adelaide, Agatha, Anne, Anastasia, and Agnes.

Who were the parents of Saint Agnes of Rome?

Their names are not known.I can find no documents listing the family of Agnes except that her foster-sister was Saint Emerentiana .The names of her parents are not known. However, they were from the Roman nobility.

What are the names of gru's 3 adopted daughters?

margo, edith, and agnes

What is Anne Hathaway Shakespeare's middle name?

She probably didn't have one. In her father's will, there is a gift to his daughter "Agnes". Some people think that Anne was originally called Agnes but called herself Anne. There is nothing to suggest that she used both names at the same time.

What was Robert Burns brothers and sisters names?

his brothers names were William, john, Gilbert and his sisters name were agnes, annabella and isobel

What were the names of the parents of James Watts?

father- James watt mother- agnes muirhead

What are the names of the books written by Anne Bronte?

Agnes Grey and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.

What were st Clare's siblings names?

St. Clare's siblings were named Agnes and Beatrix.

What are the names of Sam Cooke brothers and sisters?

Lc David. Charles Ann may Agnes

What are names from 1650's?

Some names are like Elizabeth, Isabelle, Emily, Agnes, Alice, etc. If you want more names go to