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plastics, automatic switchboards, glass tubing, conveyor belts & concrete mixers.

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Q: What new technology was invented after world war 1?
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Who invented the 4 new types of technology in war world 1?


What new technology was invented from World War 2 by the US?

The Microwave oven invented by Raytheon in 1945 while doing radar testing.

What technology emerged in World War 1?

They invented primitive light tanks. They also invented the first machine gun.

What was the new technology in World War 1?

i have no ideas about past..... :(

What new technology were developed during the world war 1?


What technology for planes was invented in World War 2?

* Compact Radar Systems * Jet Turbine Engines

What was the development of the ironclads an example of?

new technology applied in the war.

What were the positive effects of technology during world war 2?

Technology during World War II opened up an entirely new door into what the enemy was doing in areas in which they were once hidden. New pesticides, nuclear technology, and jet engines made the fight faster than it had been in the first World War.

How did new technology add to the destruction during world war 1?


What type of new technology did France use in world war 2?


Example of new technology in World War 1 warfare?

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What were the advances in technology in World War 1?

The Chinese invented the chopsticks, while the English invented the wheel, however, the most important invention was the invention of your mother