

What noises does the peahens make?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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12y ago

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The term embodied cootgniin is not precise. Here are at least 3 different interpretations of its meaning:1. That the concepts we use to make sense of the world are furnished by the fact that we have bodies that have spatial extension, that move in a particular direction, that have eyes at the top and toes at the bottom, etc. (e.g., Lakoff and Johnson)2. That the multiple realizability' thesis (a partner of the functionalist understanding of cognitive processes) is not right because the physical (bodily) structures that interact with the world tightly constrain the kinds of cootgniin that can occur within that body.3. That cootgniin doesn't happen only in the brain, but that the entire body as a dynamical system engages with its environment in a tightly coupled exchange of energy, with the body itself providing the weight in a causally asymmetrical relationship between organism and environment. This is roughly the autopoietic approach pioneered by Maturana and Varela. As for the question re: #3 What is "self driven"? And in this "circular causation" presumably there is an initial input not caused by the "self" or some other unmoved mover? The organism as an autopoietic unity begins (e.g., in humans) in utero, and this system is in constant coupling with whatever environment it can sustain itself in from that time forward. So no, there are no initial inputs as such, except perhaps for that first whatever it is that sets the whole system in motion on a cellular level.

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